Raise That Debt Limit


Super Moderator
I've come to a conclusion..an analogy really.

Government is like wrestling. All hate and battling when the spotlight is on. But best buds and going out to dinner together behind the scenes. It's all a show. There isn't anybody who has our best interest at heart. It's all about how to get every last dime out of our pockets and into theirs. Dem, Rep....it doesn't matter. We're suppose to think we have someone representing us in DC but it's all smoke and mirrors. It's the biggest show on Earth. And I knew this before. Just now re-realizing it.
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Full Access Member
(You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong). You can turn all the strong in to sheeple by beating them down and disarming them. Start with hurting their children and see if they give up their arms. This is not a new program,has been used by many dictators to control the people all over the world. Just ask Puttin.


New member
They are already hurting our children with the shit they are filling their heads with in schools and on TV. My 2 daughters think Obama is the best thing since sliced bread, ages 12 & 16. I almost had a heart attack when I heard that coming from them, I sure as phuck did not teach them that. They are benefactors of the system thought thanks to their mother. All the years of trying to teach them to be self reliant are getting thrown out the window it seems lately, very depressing.

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