PSA Blemished Lower for $59.99 Their Back!!


Full Access Member
LOL.... How did I know I was going to see another one of those lost opportunity when I log in today!. Thanks for sharing!


Full Access Member
The stripped lowers, do they have to go through a FFL or can they be shipped directly to an individuals home ???

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
The sripped lower is considered the firarm itself so yes u do need an ffl, all other parts u can have sent to your house except tax stamp stuff.. I. E. - supressor
Concealed 27


Full Access Member
The sripped lower is considered the firarm itself so yes u do need an ffl, all other parts u can have sent to your house except tax stamp stuff.. I. E. - supressor
Concealed 27
:banghead: CRAP, there`s another ten bucks, then the feds`ll know where it went from the factory. :sunot: guess I`ll has to wait and try from a private sales.

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