

Super Moderator
Shoot me a PM if you want to know more but this is all for knowledge and everyone should know that without a class III tax stamp actually creating one for other than BB guns and Paintball is highly illegal.

But in a SHTF scenario, rules and regulations go out the window. Every man for himself. Survival of the fittest.


Full Access Member
Silencing is by re-directing the gases from the internal combustion into a sealed chamber that muffles the sound. It is only efficient and worthy if you use subsonic ammunition otherwise you will have some silencing but it will still have the sonic boom.

Multi chambers in a sealed container that divert the gases into a sealed container with a small blow off valve. I made a professional one for my paintball gun when I was in high school and the only thing heard was the clicking of my bolt and the whistle of the paintball.

Shoot me a PM if you want to know more but this is all for knowledge and everyone should know that without a class III tax stamp actually creating one for other than BB guns and Paintball is highly illegal.

Thanks for the info. And no definitely won't be making one unless SHTF. I'm not taking that risk. Too big of a consequence for not a ton of reward.


Full Access Member
Have you guys seen the lifetime water filters? I think that would be a nice camping tool but I don't know how well they work.
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Super Moderator
Yeah well alot of guys won't wait for SHTF and I'm not going to post things that will get anyone into trouble. If they need to know that much there is a released govt PFD file on improvised silencers that you can print and put away into your bug out bag or gun safe for a just in case SHTF planning.
I understand where you are coming from. I was just saying that in a SHTF situation, Class 3 stamp is the least of our worries. We'll be too busy just trying to survive.


Full Access Member
Back to prepping I would recommend having nice fixed blades like KABAR and Buck Specials on hand. It's always nice to have a good blade!!!
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Full Access Member
Yes you get the crack unless you use subs or target ammo. I shoot subs anyway because they are more accurate. As for silencing a 22 effectively, any idiot can do it for pennies or make a nicer one for about $8. It really is that easy. You don't need special tools or materials.
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New member
What are they gonna do ? Arrest me for having a bag of baking potatoes ?

Drill a hole through a potato then drill several smaller port holes on the side. Attach to .22 barrel, shoot squirrel, boil remaining potato add salt and pepper.:D
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Super Moderator
Bug Out or Bug In? What would have to happen to cause you to leave your home and belongings? Would you head for the woods? Live off the land? I keep hearing people talking about bugging out but just don't see that as a viable option. Convince me otherwise.


New member
Agreed. Bugging out should be your very last option. Once you hit the road or the trail you become a refugee.


Full Access Member
Having a basic knowledge of building traps/snares would be a great idea. Also knowing what plants in your area that are edible could be invaluable. You should be able to find a survival book that could teach you some of this.


Full Access Member
What are they gonna do ? Arrest me for having a bag of baking potatoes ?

Drill a hole through a potato then drill several smaller port holes on the side. Attach to .22 barrel, shoot squirrel, boil remaining potato add salt and pepper.:D
Nat, potatoes are heavy. There is no need to add anything that weighs more than, just for example, an empty plastic bottle or some pvc.

Having a basic knowledge of building traps/snares would be a great idea. Also knowing what plants in your area that are edible could be invaluable. You should be able to find a survival book that could teach you some of this.
Good thinking


Full Access Member
Good thinking

Thanks. Just trying to open some eyes to other means of providing food. While trapping will require some materials (small rope/bailing wire) most can be made with materials in your surroundings. It also requires some time and energy but not as much as hunting. Not to mention less time out reduces the risk of confrontation with others.

I'd have to find my old survival books from the army to remember the exact method of testing plants for edibility. Quite a few plants are edible but some require being boiled numerous times before they're safe to eat.


Time of year will pose problems too, well except for those states that never get below 70.

I can think of hundreds of locations all over Utah to go and stay safe, probably less than 5 of them would be easy to get to once the snow flies


Full Access Member
Time of year will pose problems too, well except for those states that never get below 70.

I can think of hundreds of locations all over Utah to go and stay safe, probably less than 5 of them would be easy to get to once the snow flies

Which would be a good thing if your already there. Keep others away.


New member
Whether it's a natural or man made disaster, you need to be prepared. For the same reason we own weapons (When seconds count the police are minutes away), we should also be self sufficient when the power goes out and the grocery stores are empty. That means have a reserve of food, possibly a generator for lights and refrigeration and a supply of fuel for the generator. Situations may be so bad that you cannot leave the house. So it's best to hunker down and lie low.

With that being said, I thought this would be a good thread to share prepping/survival ideas. Maybe what type foods and how to store them, emergency lighting, etc.

I'll start with one I just learned yesterday and have already tested. The 45 Day Crisco Candle. Saw a Youtube vid on taking a can of Crisco/Any brand shortening. Taking a wick stick it down the middle of the can. Smear a little shortening on the wick and light it. They say it will last for 45 days at 8 hours a day (overnight).

Bought a can of Walmart Brand shortening ($4.12) and then went over to the sporting goods area and bought some kerosene lamp wicks (5 for $2.47). When I got home I took a straw and created a whole in the shortening and then used the straw to push the wick down into it. Put a little shortening on the wick and lit it. Where else you going to find a candle that lasts up to 45 days for $6.50?

Awesome idea. I am going to try that.



Super Moderator
Awesome idea. I am going to try that.


Ha, just re-read the suggestion on the Crisco candle. Can't believe I said whole (as in "the whole thing") in place of hole which is what I meant. I try to catch those things but obviously some get by.

Get yourselves stock up. Go to Costco or Sam's Club and stock your shelves with non perishable items. Canned goods, toilet paper (hadn't thought of that one had you?), personal hygiene items (toothpaste, deodorant, soap). You won't believe how important personal hygiene will be for your health. Stock up on any meds that you can. could I forget water. The more the better.

Just in case you are forced to leave your home, have a Bug Out Bag ready to go with essentials. If you have to get out in a hurry, don't forget your prescription drugs. Throw them in your BOB and go. Heres an article to get you started:

Just be prepared to be self sufficient. Depend on nobody. Think of what you'll need if you were the last person on Earth. Read "One Second After". It's a great book to get you thinking in this direction.
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Super Moderator
Subsrcibed, I'll read it later. I'm looking for another thread and found this one. I didn't know this was here, or I wouldn't have started the Prepping thread I did.

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