Piers Morgan


I lost faith in Jessie when he was wearing the tinfoil hat and doing his conspiracy Theory. I'll bet Piers thought he had this one in the bag too with some of the things Jessie has done....

And once again Peirs comes off looking like an ass

OK Jessie, you did this one good, congrats man


Super Moderator
Jessie does come across strange sometimes but he always seems to be able to back up his beliefs. I think part of it is his Wisconsin accent. And the tempo of the way he speaks.


Full Access Member
He was right on in this review.I hope he was off on his Conspiracy Theory show. Time will tell!


Full Access Member
Ok, So the white house responded to the petition to deport by saying to not violate the first amendment with arguments about the second. Is a non citizen protected by the Constitution? Are they classified as a temporary citizen when they are granted a visa?


If you want to get serious about this. You need to write the sponsor(s) the show. Other than that, you're wasting your time


Full Access Member
What I read said that obama does not feel that he is a t hreat too are 2nd amendment rights. And he should know cus he is a threat to are rights. LoL!


I've got a copy of the email, I will post it tonight when I get home.

While they are currently attacking the 2nd amendment, you will love the wording of the email


Super Moderator
I don't watch CNN anymore due to that prick. I won't give CNN the satisfacton of their advertising being heard in my house. I can watch all the Piss Morgan crap on You Tube, so I don't do CNN anymore. When CNN get's rid of the prick, then I'll go back.

He's called people Stupid, Liars, and told them to shut up etc, and I got sick of hearing My Country, My Country... Go back to YOUR Fuggin Country you STUPID, LYING Prick !!!


Super Moderator
If i watch any news, it's Fox. I won't watch ABC, CBS or NBC. Unfortunately when we eat at McDonald's they play CNN in there. I've been know to make comments about some of the stories they were discussing when we were there. Some of the things that come out of the mouths of some of those liberals is just amazing. I'll never understand their thought process.

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