One Year Later: The Long Range Peach House Gunfight


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One Year Later: The Long Range Peach House Gunfight

When I first heard the reports of a pistolero making a long shot, stopping a mass murder and saving the life of a police officer a year ago, I knew that I would work to find the details if the possibility were offered. I found that opportunity and was able to answer many of the questions that came to mind at the time. After I had interviewed Vic Stacy, I told him that I would wait until the Grand Jury delivered a no bill before writing about what happened. This is the story of the Peach House Gunfight . . . .

One Year Later: The Long Range Peach House Gunfight


Full Access Member
Lucky he was not shot by responding back ups. Also glad to see patrol units with long guns. Of course this is Texas the my have rpgs in trunk.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Nothing better than the RPG 7, just like the AK its been around forever and is used by kids its so simple..

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