OK I'm here now


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Rights are the privilege of the wealthy and influential..... At least that is how it seems some people feel anyway and that is usually from the rich and influential.


Super Moderator
Rights are the privilege of the wealthy and influential..... At least that is how it seems some people feel anyway and that is usually from the rich and influential.
They feel they are the parent and what they are doing is in our best interest. What they don't understand is that we are able to make our own decisions. Latest example is the doing away with the 32oz. drinks. What if I wanted a 32oz. diet drink. If they are going to outlaw 32oz. drinks because they are bad for you, when do they outlaw cigarettes? Triple cheeseburgers? Twinkie's? Where do you draw the line on what others consider "bad for you"? People need to be held accountable for their own actions. Whatever happened to personal responsibility? When did everything become someone else's fault? Just because there are 32oz. drinks available, doesn't mean you should have 5 everyday. Show some self control.

This was not directed at anyone in particular. Just a general rant at society.
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Active member
hahaha me and my father just had a conversation that followed those lines almost exactly. When does to far become to far and who decides that for us?


New member
Matty please tell me you don't own a gun :eek:

Just two.....the right and left arms....:win:


Welcome to the forum

Thank you both.

Not likely. Nanny Bloomberg doesn't believe that law abiding citizens should have any rights.

I live on Wrong Irand.....I mean Lawn Guyland, not NYC. King Mike only controls NYC and it's boroughs.

Funny story though. Sandy was said to have dumped 2.8 million gallons of water on the Tri-State area. Soon afterwards, King Mike passed a law saying that all future storms can only dump 16 ounces or less.


I live on Wrong Irand.....I mean Lawn Guyland, not NYC. King Mike only controls NYC and it's boroughs.

Funny story though. Sandy was said to have dumped 2.8 million gallons of water on the Tri-State area. Soon afterwards, King Mike passed a law saying that all future storms can only dump 16 ounces or less.


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