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First of all, it was confirmed that no AR 15 style rifle was used in the Newtown, CT shooting. Only handguns. The rifle was left in the trunk.
I concur. I heard/saw the same thing. And from the video of the cop pulling and clearing the weapon from the trunk, it obviously isn't an AR. He's pulling at a charge handle on the side of the weapon. The AR has the charge handle on the back of the upper. And the shell that was ejected was way too big to be a .223. What he was working on was a Saiga 12 shotgun with a Dragunov type stock.First of all, it was confirmed that no AR 15 style rifle was used in the Newtown, CT shooting. Only handguns. The rifle was left in the trunk.
I concur. I heard/saw the same thing. And from the video of the cop pulling and clearing the weapon from the trunk, it obviously isn't an AR. He's pulling at a charge handle on the side of the weapon. The AR has the charge handle on the back of the upper. And the shell that was ejected was way too big to be a .223. What he was working on was a Saiga 12 shotgun with a Dragunov type stock.
But the media have latched onto the AR like a pitbull and continue to try and sell it as the evil weapon that killed those children.
I concur. I heard/saw the same thing. And from the video of the cop pulling and clearing the weapon from the trunk, it obviously isn't an AR. He's pulling at a charge handle on the side of the weapon. The AR has the charge handle on the back of the upper. And the shell that was ejected was way too big to be a .223. What he was working on was a Saiga 12 shotgun with a Dragunov type stock.
But the media have latched onto the AR like a pitbull and continue to try and sell it as the evil weapon that killed those children.
As Shapiro stated in the Shapiro vs Piece of Shit Morgan debate... They are standing on the graves of the children, while trying to push their legislative agenda. I've said too much... The government is coming after me now. See you guys in the afterlife.....
What did I say? It was just an analogy stating that once the media has latched onto a story, they won't let it go if it furthers their agenda even if it's been shown to be false. I just used the pitbull because they are known to do the same. Once they latch hold of something, they don't turn loose.I agreed and was with you till you projected some media bias yourself with the pit bull comments lol
In their incredible haste to get the law passed, they might have forgotten something.
Many police officers could be violating new New York gun law |
First of all, it was confirmed that no AR 15 style rifle was used in the Newtown, CT shooting. Only handguns. The rifle was left in the trunk.
I"m looking for his New York Bill/Law. I was told today that there is a list of Firearms that ARE NOT actually grandfathered. Semi Auto Rifles like AR-15's and AK-47s are banned completely. If you happen to own one, you have 1 year from the date the bill was signed into law to sell your weapon to someone out of state, or move out of the state and take your banned weapon with you. Also goes for magazines over 7 rounds. If it's 8 rounds or more, you have 1 year to dispose of it, sell it out of state or move your residence out of state and take them with you.
So anyone know for sure if this is true? Seems to me the Supreme Court can overturn that and at least grandfather the currently owned but now banned guns and mags.
So maybe applied to the Mags Only, and not "AW's" on their list. That's so jacked. Manufactures don't even make 7 round mags, so what do citizens use if they can not buy what doesn't exist.