New Ruger GP100 22LR


Full Access Member
GP100® now available in .22 LR.

Strength, Simplicity and Ruggedness. Ruger® GP100® double-action revolvers are among the most comfortable shooting revolvers. Their rugged, medium-sized frame and grip system permit repeated firings with minimal shooter fatigue.

Easy on the hand and budget, all GP100 revolvers boast solid steel sidewalls (no side-plates), and frame widths that are increased with extra steel in critical areas that support the barrel, making them rugged, reliable, and dependable.

Ruger® GP100® Double-Action Revolver


I'd consider one in .22LR since my wife likes the .357 so much and she burns through ammo at the range in a blink of an eye. I figure the savings cost in ammo would make up for the cost of the gun over time.


Full Access Member
Gotta agree with kwo51, an 8-shot .22 mag version would be pretty cool, ammo supply not-with-standing. Would be a great sidearm for snow-shoe hares while up north hunting grouse.


Full Access Member
PMR 30 , so the keltec guy is using up all the ammo. I have not looked for any lately. Just found some shorts last week. Obama needs to stop scaring the gun owners . Ammo man has it for $30. for 50 rounds. Obamas fundamental change.
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Super Moderator
PMR 30 , so the keltec guy is using up all the ammo. I have not looked for any lately. Just found some shorts last week. Obama needs to stop scaring the gun owners . Ammo man has it for $30. for 50 rounds. Obamas fundamental change.

Yes, I am solely responsible for the .22 mag shortage. Guilty as charged.:favorites37: I wish I could buy it in bulk like other calibers. Maybe they do sell it that way but I just haven't stumbled across it. Haven't really been searching.


Full Access Member
Well crap, now I need one of these. I hate the small grips on most 22 revolvers but I love my GP100.

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