Kroger Managers Are Refusing To Accept Bullying Tactics of Moms Demand Action


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REJECTED: Kroger Managers Are Refusing To Accept Bullying Tactics of Moms Demand Action

Moms Demand Action has adopted the tactic of attempting to isolate and bully individual companies into accepting their prohibitionist gun control philosophy. Their goal is to accomplish through bullying what they cannot establish through legislation: reducing the number of places that law-abiding citizens can exercise their basic human right to self-defense.

The republic’s largest supermarket chain is the latest target of Michael Bloomberg’s fake grassroots gun prohibitionist organization, and the chain has stood tall in defense of the common sense position that private companies best serve their customers by abiding by local, state and federal laws, not writing their own.

This has led Moms Demand to shift tactics from their normal social media bullying tactics, to sending paid staffers to deliver a photocopied stack of petition signatures to individual cameras as part of a photo-op campaign. Yes, they’re attempting to deliver the same photocopied stack of signatures to stores around the nation.

A Kroger manager refused to play that game yesterday, causing Moms Demand founder Shannon Watts to Tweet the following from her suburban mansion in ultra-white, ultra wealthy Zionsville, Indiana.

REJECTED: Kroger Managers Are Refusing To Accept Bullying Tactics of Moms Demand Action - Bearing Arms


Active member
I agree, I would like to know which store as well so I can buy her a drink as well. Standing up to these pompous windbags of stupidity is the only way to take the wind out of their flapping blow holes. Bloomberg needs to realize that just because he has the money, it does not mean that we are going to stand by and watch him relieve all of us of our rights. . . Those that follow him, I believe anyway, will find out just what safety means to Bloomberg and what it means for the common peasant in his eyes. Bloomberg for Feudal Lord anyone?


Full Access Member
It is hard to listen to people wanting to take our rights away when they have armed guards around them. They should be in jail!!!!!

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