Jesse Jackson Wants To Defeat The NRA To Stop People From Shooting Down Airplanes


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In the predictable wave of post-mass shooting liberal hysteria, kooks on the left have made some pretty outrageous gun control arguments, but Jesse Jackson has them all beat by a mile. The aging civil rights activist said one of the reasons why we need to defeat the NRA is because the gun rights organization enables people to own firearms capable of shooting airplanes out of the sky. I’m dead serious, he said this.

Jackson penned an op/ed for the Chicago Sun-Times called The Gun lobby can be defeated. He doesn’t actually say how the gun lobby can be defeated, just that he thinks it is possible. The general argument he presents is that because black people kill each other with illegal guns that legal gun ownership should be severely restricted.

After proclaiming, “What we have here is a national security emergency,” Jackson gets to what he thinks is the root of the problem:

Too many illegal guns are in circulation, from handguns to military assault rifles. These guns are powerful enough not only to shoot up churches and schools but to bring down airplanes.

So that is what he perceives as one of the biggest problems with gun ownership? People shooting down airplanes? I know that people have shot at airplanes in the US before, but to my knowledge nobody has ever actually brought one down. Personally I would think it would be nearly impossible to knock an airplane out of the sky with a handgun or a rifle.

Jackson’s confusion comes from his typical liberal ignorance of guns in general. Like all anti-gun nuts, he doesn’t know jack-shit about the things he wants to ban. Just because the left refers to semi-automatic rifles as “assault” and “military-style” weapons doesn’t mean they are the same thing that our military is equipped with. American civilians aren’t running around with surface-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft guns.

But Jackson is convinced that the same weapons our soldiers use on the battlefield are readily available at your local Bass Pro Shops:

There should be a push to revive the ban on assault weapons once more. It is ridiculous that weapons designed for war are spread across American streets.

And he wants the feds to crack down on this scourge:

The reforms can’t be limited to closing gun show loopholes or other gun law reforms. The Department of Homeland Security should be there, detailing the threat posed by the spread of guns designed for the military, not for hunters.

In this crazy rant, Jackson points out some other things that he thinks are problems with private gun ownership:

Too many legal guns are in the wrong hands.

Yeah, that’s why there’s so much crime, because legally purchased and owned guns are in the “wrong hands.” It couldn’t possibly be that illegally possessed guns are in the hands of criminals, could it?

He also mentions that none of the guns used by blacks to murder other blacks in Chicago are manufactured in the city:

Nearly nine of 10 murders (89 percent) are from gunshots. Eight of 10 victims are African-American males. The guns are not made in Chicago.

What the hell does that have to do with anything? Would Jackson feel better if blacks were killing each other with firearms bearing the “Made In Chicago” label? It’s hard enough to open a gun store in the Windy City, imagine the liberal regulations and bureaucratic red tape to navigate to open a gun manufacturing facility there.

Obviously Jesse Jackson’s mental capacity is on a steep decline. Check out what he thinks Chicago’s hockey team is called:

Each Monday in Chicago, we gird ourselves for the most recent score. Not on how well the Bears, Bulls or Black Wings, Cubs or White Sox have fared, but on how many new victims of guns have been racked up.

For the record, the Blackhawks play in Chicago and the Red Wings are from Detroit. LGRW!!!

You gotta hand it to Jackson. He managed to make anti-gun extremists like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton seem somewhat rational and knowledgeable on the subject. It’s nice to see someone who considers himself a champion of civil rights fight so hard to eliminate a basic American civil right and to do it with an epic level of ignorance and bullshit.

Jesse Jackson Wants To Defeat The NRA To Stop People From Shooting Down Airplanes – Downtrend


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Surprised he didn't point out that submarines are safer than airplanes. There are a lot more planes in the ocean than there are subs in the sky.

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