Settle down folks, and I hope I'm right. This stupid ass bitch, and yes I normally refrain from name calling since we are all entitled to our opinion, but I'd be happy to say it to her face in public and on camera because it's true, This stupid ass bitch has put so much into this bill that it's going to be shot down and doesn't have a chance in hell in passing. I honestly feel not only the Republicans are NOT going to support this, but even a handful of Democrats will find this to be ridiculous and overwhelming. She doesn't even KNOW what an assault weapon is. And why would a bayonet lug make a rifle an assault weapon. In short, what she is saying, is if you add anything tactical to a firearm it will be banned and illegal as an assault weapon. Picatinny rail to add a scope? It's now banned. Good Luck getting that to pass you idiot. Do 2 things for us Diane Frankenstein, first figure out what an ASSAULT weapon is, 2nd take a good study at the facts from the CDC, the FBI and the ATF, you'll soon see this Gun Control bill will do NOTHING to stop any of the tragedies and there will be even more massacres. This massacre issue is NOT about Guns at all. It's about mental health. Every last one of these people who did these mass killings were bullied, made fun of all their life, and from either broken homes, or abuses and/or neglected as children and teens. Lets get tough on Bullying in schools and have a ZERO tolerance on Bullying like we do guns in school. Let's make sure parents know the difference between abuse and discipline as they raise their kids, and lets REQUIRE discipline. Let's bring family values back into American homes again, and the massacres will get less and less. They will never go away in full though. Massacres have happened forever, just not as common as they are today. Get your head out of your ass Diane, and put your energy and efforts into a bill that WILL focus on the cause and prevention of massacres instead of a bill that will raise crime rates through the roof !!!
Anyway, rant over. Not sure why I need to be telling all of you this. I think all of us here KNOW this already. :rofl: But, mabye Diane is reading !!! :happy175:
Even if the bill does pass, I honeslty think legal action will be taken and the Supreme Court will overturn it as UN-Constitutional. And hopefully next President can have it repealed. We have that option too.