Hello I build slingshots


New member
Hello im tom and im 12. I build slingshots that are extremely powerful. Alot of you may think of a slingshot as a little boy toy that cant do much more then break a window. But slingshots are extremely powerful. The ones for hunting produce around 100-150 joules of energy. Those ones have around 50 to 75 pound draw weight. Enough to kill game like deer and send a ball bearing completely through an armadillo. Heres some of my slingshot videos.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fo3g2DcKXk]New modified chalice slingshot - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AllSjmvHXU]Natural fork theraband gold slingshot/ catapult - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeXhFc0dJv8]New Jorge Sprave inspired slingshot - Phoenix - YouTube[/ame]


Full Access Member
Send a ball bearing completely through an armadillo? That is a video I would like to see.


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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm5YOYrRejY&feature=related]World Record: The Strongest Slingshot - YouTube[/ame]

ninja man

Full Access Member
ok, well i guess i learned something new. i always thought in terms of electricity. guess i could have google searched it as well, but im too lazy. haha


New member
I googled it for the conversion rate. 1 joule = about .7377 foot/lbs, so 150 joules is around 110 ft/lbs. A bit less than a 38 grain .22lr projectile moving 1260 fps (134 ft/lbs).

A projectile moving at around 200 fps with around the same amount of joules will cause allot more damage :yuno: duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Probably enough joules there to bring down a small flying aircraft..some serious ball bearings.


Full Access Member
A projectile moving at around 200 fps with around the same amount of joules will cause allot more damage :yuno: duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I'm a bit rusty on the whole slingshot terminal ballistics thing you have going on.

Got a link to any verified tests?


New member
Well tests coming soon but here is some logic. A 22 round withholding 130 joules of energy has the same amount of penetration power as a 30mm steel ball with the same amount of energy. But it would cause more damage than a 22 because it has more surface area. Causeing more 6x more damage then a 22 because a 22 bullet is 5mm.

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