hello everyone


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Hello, there is a topic for people who are interested in explosive. Gemran journalist Jürgen Roth wrote a book about plane crash in Smoleńsk (2010). In this crash died Polish president and his wife. There died 96 people. They were flying on celebration of the anniversary of the massacre of Polish officers in Katyn. (20 000 Polish officers were murdered by Soviets in 1941.) After 5 years we still dont know what happend with our President. There are a lot of unexplained facts... Jürgen Roth wrote that it was a FSB action and it was not a accident. Everything is possible. Really.
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Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
I did a paper years ago on the Katyn Forest Massacre as it is sometimes called because my late Father had Polish relatives on his mothers side. He once showed me a family portrait last taken in Krakow, Poland around late 1938 and then nothing afterwards. He fought in WWII and spent most of his time in the Italian campaign but after the war wanted to go into Poland and find out what exactly happened to his lost relatives. But he never did, as better sense prevailed. As we all know the Soviets would of thrown him in jail as being a American spy or something and he would of disappeared.

As to the Katyn Massacre it wasn't until 1990 that the Soviet Union finally admitted to the real truth. But it wasn't just Polish officers that were executed but doctors, lawyers, writers, teachers, policeman and even priests were included. Pretty much anybody who seemed to be an internal threat to the Soviet Union. As to the Polish air crash in April 2010 I have this deep feeling that it was intentional and came from the highest authority inside Russia itself.

Check out the orders directly from the Soviet Union secret files from 1940. Beria was Stalin's personal executor and was widely known to have killed millions without blinking an eye.

Strictly Confidential

All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). CENTRAL COMMITTEE

No. P13/144
Com. Beria
March 5, 1940

Excerpt from the minutes No. 13 of the Politburo of the Central Committee meeting

Resolution 144 - March 5, 1940 regarding the matter submitted by the NKVD USSR

I. To instruct the NKVD of the USSR that:

1/ the cases of 14,700 people - former Polish Army officers, government officials, landowners, policemen, intelligence agents, military policemen, homesteaders and jailers remaining in the camps for prisoners of war,

2/ and also the cases of 11,000 people - members of various counter-revolutionary spy and sabotage organizations, former landowners, factory owners, former Polish Army officers, government officials and fugitives arrested and remaining in prisons in the western districts of Ukraine and Byelorussia - be considered in a special manner with the obligatory sentence of capital punishment - execution by firing squad.

II. The consideration of the cases to be carried out without the convicts being summoned and without revealing the charges; with no statements concerning the conclusion of the investigation and the bills of indictment given to them. To be carried out in the following manner:

a/ people remaining in the camps for prisoners of war - on the basis of information provided by the Administration of Prisoners-of-War Affairs NKVD of the USSR,

b/ people arrested - on the basis of case information provided by the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR and NKVD of the Byelorussian SSR.

III. The responsibility for consideration of the cases and passing of the resolution to be laid on three comrades: Merkulov, Kobulov and Bashtakov (Head, 1st Special Division of the NKVD of the USSR).

The Secretary of the Central Committee


New member
Hello Gentelmens, or rather Companions because Gentelmens are lying in Katyn's forest.
I am sorry for my absence, I had lot of work but I am back.
Why AFLCIO ran the government. I dont understand. I am a member of a trade union. Trade unions were changing the world in great way. In Poland "Solidarność" halped in political transformation in 80's.

I know that in Katyn were killed by the Russians not only Polish officers. I was writing too fast and I did not write all groups intended to extermination. After 1989 we could not talk about Katyn in public life. Thats true that Russian president Borys Jecyn in early 90's apologized for this massacre. I was reminded of a joke.

Some polish guys were talking about Russian politics and they decided to do sth. with it. They met after some time and they were talking: We took Putin and we beat him in that way that he started to apologize for any Katyn... I am not sure that it is understandable in English but in Polish this joke is quite funny....

Thats good for Your Father that He did not come back to Poland after 2 WW. NKVD and UB for sure not gave him a rest. They were killing Polish Heroes which were fighting in western Europe. Comunists were afraid of them. They named them spies. They persecuted them in public life. The most of them were afraid to came back and they stayed forever abroad. Some came back after 1956 (after political thaw). A lot of them never came back because they came from eastern Poland and after 2WW this part of a country was attached to ZSRR. They had no home. The symbol of Polish which could not came back home is Polish soldier Bear Wojtek. He won a war but He lost his freedom. I am sure that you have heard about him. If not please read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wojtek_(bear)

I am impressed about your knowledge. I could not say it about US boss of FBI. Did you heard what he said in Washington in Museum of Holocaust? He said about murderers from Germany, Hungary and POLAND... scandal
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Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Even today I wouldn't trust or believe anything that Putin says. Lately he accused the United States of being like the Soviet Union was post WWII...of flexing their muscle and trying to push their ideology around the world, while saying he has nothing to do with the current situation in the Ukraine. He is a former KGB big shot who's agenda is all about regaining lost power and once again complete influence on Eastern Europe thru political or military might. Plus he can cut off the flow of natural gas at a whim to neighboring countries...funny how things change but still remain the same.


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Yes, the most important thing for Eastern Europe is energy. It is the most important thing for our economy. We are still not independent from Russian energy (oil and natural gas). There is not unity in UE and Russia is uses it. Some countries Hungary, Germany are buing gas in lawer price than other countries. It is connecting with their politics. They are admitting on Russinan politics. Poland and Ukraine have the most expensive gas in Europe. It is not a fortune....


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Hello Guys;) today Polish Parlament voted to change a date of celebration of end of WW2 from 9th May to 8th May. It is not the same. On first date was a Russian celebration, on secont European celebration. Now we are in Europe! Whats up in USA??


Full Access Member
We are trying to change the day the president leaves office. Hoping not to have another criminal in that position.


Super Moderator
We are trying to change the day the president leaves office. Hoping not to have another criminal in that position.

Yesterday wouldn't be too soon. We have some criminal and non criminals running or thinking of running on the conservative side. The liberals have....... Doesn't liberal mean criminal in the political arena?


New member
Hello I know that the biggest parties in USA are Grand Old Party and Democratic Party. I know some US's politics. We are going to choose President on 10th May. Now is very boring hustings in Poland. Really bottom. Regards for answear;)


Super Moderator
Yes, we have the GOP (Republicans) and Democratic parties. We are getting very tired of both of them. Sometimes they fight like wrestle mania but are secretly good friends and cutting back room deals. There is a third party that is not as popular but gaining a foothold. They are known as the Tea Party. They are more grassroots and Constitutional driven. They believe in the people telling government what to do vs. government telling the people what to do like what is currently in Washington DC.

Democrats and Republicans have forgotten that they are there to represent the people. All too often they vote not for what the people want but what will get them more power and money. Congress needs term limits just like the president has.
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New member
Hello, everyone sets the pattern US democracy, like a Greek democracy in antiquity. I have never been in USA so I can not say anything about it. I can see that Tea Party gots a commonsensical views. In Poland we got some political parties. Two are the biggest PO (35%) and PIS (35%). Both of them grown up from "Solidarność", so they are similar. There is also a quite big Socialist party SLD (sth about 10%). It gots a roots in comunist party. And the last from main parties Folk Party PSL (10%). It is a very old party which gots a roots in Farmers unions.


Full Access Member
Socialist party here is the democratic party and it is going communist fast. We Tea party people are trying to stop it.


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Hello, I can see that in USA will be another Witch hunting;) I got a question and this is also a request to Moderator Please open a new topic about chemical weapon, disarmament of this kind of weapon, tear gas...etc. Please;)

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Well maybe Hillary could be considered a witch for a better term..or simply substitute the letter b instead according to new details from a former pilot of Air Force One and please no more Clintons or Bush's in the WH..don't want to go down that path again.


New member
Hello when I was talking about witches I thought about 50's XX cent. in USA.
In Poland we are using name "hunting on whiches" to determine historical event : when in USA everyone in public life were looking for communists. There was a film about it Good night and good luck;) You know in Poland is a joke
A teacher in school saw that children are plaing on Nazi. She told them that is it wrong and who were a Nazi and what they did. And they decided to play in Communists..... people are not thinking who they were.... there is a problem.

Please tell me Are in USA people thinking about not a mainstream point of views? Or they are watching TV and believe what there is. I know that in USA are living some milions of people. Regards for all answears;) Magda

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