Happy Thanksgiving 2014


Super Moderator
I'd rather have duck. I am a breast man.

Give me a turkey leg or thigh. I prefer the moister parts.

I was just helping the wife in the kitchen. She cooked up about 5 pounds of bacon. She wants to use it as a topping on some casseroles she's doing. She asked me to break it up for her. Silly girl. That mountain of bacon doesn't look as big when it's broken into little pieces. Never mind the pound and a half I ate. There are about 5 things I have no will power around. Bacon is three of them.
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Super Moderator
Well just waddled back from my parents. My mom had the usual dishes on the table. I must be getting old. Couldn't put away nearly as much as I have in the past. I hang my head in shame. There wasn't an empty space on the table.

Had a little excitement. They were browning the marshmallows on the sweet potatoes and accidentally set them on fire. I had to jump up and get them out of the oven and extinguish them. Oh wells, just scraped the charred ones off and they were fine. Another Thanksgiving is behind us. Hope yours was a good one.

The other strange thing that happened while we were there. It started raining.....in the back yard. Not in the front yard. Just out back. For like 5 minutes it only rained in the back yard. We must have been right on the edge of a rain cloud.

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Full Access Member
Turkey chicken ham cheesecake pumpin pie and all the sides plus a 6 pack of beer. I feel like a tub of goo.


Super Moderator
I had a gawd awful major allergic reaction to the turkey after dinner. I was in the bathroom evacuating everything (and I mean everything) from about 8:00pm til 4:00am. I've had minor reactions to turkey in the past but I was in denial. I enjoy it so I wanted to continue to eat it. No more. I've learned my lesson this time.

I'm still trying to figure out what it is about turkey that I'm reacting to. I don't have any problem with chicken. But I was so miserable I never want to go through that again. Hope everyone else had a better Thanksgiving than I did.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Sorry SRT I hope you get better your in my prayers. Maybe it's something other than turkey could be one of the sides, anyways ur in my prayers God bless....Concealed 27


Super Moderator
Sorry SRT I hope you get better your in my prayers. Maybe it's something other than turkey could be one of the sides, anyways ur in my prayers God bless....Concealed 27

Thanks Concealed, Turkey seems to be the common denominator. I had a smoked turkey leg at Disney one time and it too made me sick. It seems like the reaction gets worse each time as well. Nobody else got sick (thank goodness) and we all ate the same stuff.

I'm all recovered from the "Turkey Incident" as we're calling it. I even worked Saturday. Was suppose to work Friday but I was beat. So moved it out a day and let myself recuperate. My digestive system has really changed on me as I've gotten older. And I don't appreciate it.

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