Giberton, PA Police Chief sounds off


Full Access Member
This guy is in public service and he uses YouTube to make an ass of himself. Really?

What an asshat:banghead:


Active member
he may be an asshat but I thought the video was funny haha. It does go to show who the mayor puts his faith into as that is an APPOINTED position.


Full Access Member
This is sad,IMO he is not doing a very good job of representing. :snoopfacepalm:


Super Moderator
And we're suppose to have confidence in someone who acts this unprofessionally?
I'd say his credibility just bottomed out.


Super Moderator

Yeah, while they're looking and interviewing potential candidates to replace him. You can't go off like that and expect to have any credibility with the community or your staff. I think he'll be blasting profanities all the way to the unemployment line.

Does he have every right to do what he did? Absolutely. But just because you can, doesn't mean you should. A police chief should maintain a certain level of decorum in order to keep a level of respect in that office. He didn't and now is paying the consequences. I'd be very surprised if he returns to his job.
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Full Access Member
He has 1st amendment rights and the guns are cool. The mouth is not a good reflection of common sense. This is what you can expect when a government is at war with its subjects!!!!!!!! At least half of us.We are no longer citizens when they record our phone calls and emails.We should over load the system!!!!! This sheriff has declared which side he will be on.More than most of us have done.

Sgt. Rock

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GILBERTON, Pa. — Police Chief Mark Kessler expects to be fired for posting incendiary videos in which he ranted obscenely about the Second Amendment and liberals while spraying machine-gun fire with borough-owned weapons.

But Kessler, whose pro-gun videos have garnered hundreds of thousands of views online, has no intention of going away quietly.

With an Internet radio show, speaking invitations to gun rallies around the country and a newly formed "Constitution Security Force" that he claims already has chapters in 45 states, the 41-year-old coal miner-turned-cop said his message - that the federal government is too big, too powerful and wants to grab guns - is resonating with a segment of the public that believes as he does.

"The support has been overwhelming, both national and international," he said. "I find it truly amazing how many people finally said, 'You know what? This guy's right.'"

Friday is the last day of Kessler's 30-day suspension over what the Gilberton council has said was unauthorized use of the weapons. The council could decide his fate Friday night.

But if Kessler's worried about losing job, he's not showing it.

I'm sure his days of posting youtube video's isn't over either.."screw the government and you libtards too".


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Pa. town seeks to fire police chief in gun videos | General Headlines | Comcast

Looks like he's about to get fired from his job...many feel he had the right to shoot off not only his mouth but those guns too. But as acting police chief he had certain responsibilities and respectability to uphold..which he failed. I think your fifteen minutes of fame are over buddy.

I'm actually kind of surprised it's taken this long. I guess they were getting their ducks in a row and making sure all their "T's" were crossed and "I's" dotted so that he didn't have a counter law suit against them.

You just don't act that way and expect to stay in a position of authority. IMO he's lost credibility.


Super Moderator
Ostupid does it every day and stays in orfice.

Yeah, but he has a LOT of $$$$$ and other useful idiots protecting him. Right down to the talking head on the TV in your living room (depending on which station you watch). But sometimes I don't think even Fox News gives him both barrels like I think they should.

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