Ghost Town


Super Moderator
So what's everybody doin'? Yard work? Washing/waxing the cars? Unpacking boxes (for you Jeff)? Grillin'?

Cause you aren't saying anything here.

I spent the weekend doing odd jobs and working on getting my old truck back into condition to be a backup vehicle to my main work truck.

I mowed the yard, worked on our water softener, painted the tool boxes, wire brushed the rust off and painted the ladder rack, did a service run on Saturday, started my motorcycle and let it run for awhile and a bunch of other little honey do's between the bigger jobs. I was so beat yesterday evening I had to take a ruscle melaxer. My back was knotting up.

Anyhow, just checking to see if I'm the only one left here on the Weapons Forum. I may have to start threads and respond to them myself if I have to.


Full Access Member
Last 1.5 yrs am real active shooting and supporting Max velocity tactical School as range safety etc.
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Full Access Member
I put 300 miles on the Vic on Friday and another 300 Saturday.
I was thinking of going fishing today, but I had 2 days of goofing off so I had to do chores and housework today...laundry, dishes, clean the house and garage, wash the Jeep and cycle. As my dad would tease, a woman's work is never done...


Super Moderator
Shooting? Fishing? Riding? Vacation? What are these things you speak of?

Oh yeah, we had some heavy rains the other day. Washed the driveway out some in places. Had to regrade it today. Wife was complaining of how bumpy it was. Gees, she drives a Jeep. Just drive over the bumps.

Helped out my parents today with a couple little jobs as well. I've got all this stuff that needs to be done. But my wife gets upset when I work myself to a frazzle. But if I don't then none of the stuff will get done. It's like a dog chasing his tail.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Work weekends and sometimes late at home at midnight last night. But got done pressure washing the driveway, sidewalks and curbs recently..makes a mess but looks good make the neighbors come over and get complements on. Next big project is staining our cedar deck..850 sq.ft. size. Wife and I went to Home Depot and ordered a new fridge...seems like ten years is average anymore on appliances. Should be here next week. Dug out the exercise rower from the garage and need to lose about 15-20 pounds..nothing serious and cleaned up the 1943 Lee-Enfield a bit..still looks pretty good considering its almost 75 years old now.


Full Access Member
Had graduations to go to. Did some yard work and such. Drug the bike out of the garage after sitting way too long. Spent some quality time with the wife and here shortly will leaving town again to head back to work. The poor guns got neglected again.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
I still have unpacked boxes from ten years ago up in the garage..most likely where my old playboy magazines are..had a stack of them from the 60's and 70's..but of course I bought them just to read the articles..yeah sure Sarge.


Full Access Member
I've been working 6 day/58 hour weeks. I have a vacation coming soon so I hope to hit the range then.


Active member
I have been working on my school work and as such have been working towards the finals that are next week. To top all that of, I got a promotion at my place of business and I have spent the majority of this week getting to know my new duties and responsibility's. Other than that I have also had the joy to move a few heavy and very stinky garbage cans to the curb at me fathers old house hehe. I don't mind helping out, but it is rather disconcerting watching the wildlife that was in the can try to get at me :). Other than that, just being a dad and loosing what little hair I have rather quickly.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Hair today..gone tomorrow. Hey I am not only the president of the company but I am also a hair club member..not sure who is more vain about their or women??


Super Moderator
Phfft. My hair has been thinning for some time and I'm not doing a thing about it. Thinning and receding. Fortunately I'm tall enough that most people don't get that view unless I'm sitting down. My wife doesn't seem to care and that's all that matters. Although she does comment that she likes me in a hat. Hmmmmm.....

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Funny my wife loves me in hats too..which I don't wear too often. In fact years back I bought one of those Indiana Jones fedoras just for the heck..boy when I put it on and my brown leather jacket she practically attacks me..maybe I should wear it to bed along with the whip?!?

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I'm here a lot so I try to start threads that I have interests in but u are right activity is slow and this is the only gun forum I use...Will try to find interesting articles, here's one that's real close to home, guy checking in hotel unintentional discharges weapon and injures 4 other than the bullet grazing his leg then marble flooring hurt the others with frags.
Concealed 27

5 injured in accidental shooting at Clearwater Beach hotel police said -


Super Moderator
Funny my wife loves me in hats too..which I don't wear too often. In fact years back I bought one of those Indiana Jones fedoras just for the heck..boy when I put it on and my brown leather jacket she practically attacks me..maybe I should wear it to bed along with the whip?!?

Cue up the Indiana Jones theme song and you're a shoe in. How could she resist?

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