gander mtn

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Went to gander man that just opened in Tampa last night. Very nice store with a lot of ammo other than 22. I picked up some 9mm ammunition and looked at a lot of guns. Looking for a 22 pistol for mom she wants one after I taught her how to shoot. Not sure what imma gonna get her probably a ruger 22 ......


Full Access Member
Having a 22 for a defense weapon requires better shot placement than larger bullets. 22 mag would be better.
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Full Access Member
What makes you think its for a defensive pistol? Maybe she just likes to shoot?
our Gander Mt. is pretty spendy. But I do stop there because they have a huge selection of guns. I use GM to check them out and then go to my gunshop guy to buy from him for usually 10-20% less.

Our GM also has a "Gander Academy" with indoor pistol ranges and virtual training ranges along with CC and Gun Safety classes. I keep meaning to go check out the virtual ranges but haven't done it yet.


Full Access Member
IF it is for self defense, I am not a fan of the 22 but I would much rather someone start out on a 22 they will actually shoot enough to become proficient with and then move up to something more powerful than buy a 40, stick it in the closet, & never shoot it. For that matter, not many thugs are going to hang arround and keep getting shot, even by a 22. On the other hand, a more powerful gun that goes click because the safety is still on or it isn't loaded won't do much to help you.

If it is just for fun, I can't think of a better choice for a new shooter.

Btw, which Ruger? My daughter really liked the SR22 and of course, the Mark series has lots of fans. Personally, I love the M&P 22. Whatever you decide, I would certainly let her handle or shoot a few to see what she likes.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I hear ya opportunities, she shot my G19 and did ok other than first time shooters jittters, I'm gonna let her rent what she likes and fits her good, she can shoot my 22 if she just wants to shoot for fun..... We will see will keep ya informed....
Concealed 27

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