Same here. It seems of the Anti Gunners, about 33% or 1 of 3 can be educated and sorta turn around to not be a Pro Gun Advocate, but at least NOT be an Anti Gunner. So with the Pro Gunners, and converting 33% of the Anti Gunners to a Neutral Gunner, I say we have to keep educating.
I used a catchy phrase on Face Book post when I posted an Article about the Gun Ban Legislation. One of the Anti Gunners called me out on it in a posted comment. You can bet I took advantage of that and explained in a post. I ended up PMing with her and I believe she actually seen things different when I was done, and she seemed to be in agreeance. Another Anti Gunner after reading my post hit me up in PM, CUZ HE DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH BALLS to post his comment in public, and he wanted PROOF !!! So I sent him a video of actual footage on the shotgun shell. He agreed, NO, that's not an AR-15, I get your point now.
Ohhh, and the catchy line I used, I said, "Here's an article for you Anti Gunner / Crime Lovers !!! She didn't mind be called an Anti Gunner, but she didn't like be referred to as a Crime Lover. :rofl: I told her Gun Legislation is for the Criminals benefit, NOT the Law Abiding Citizens who own guns, so yes, you're a Crime Lover if you are for Gun Bans and Gun Legislation that will ONLY help the criminals since they won't obey, the law abiding citizens will, so now the law abiding citizen has less to protect themselves with.