Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sentenced to death

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
A jury in Boston voted Friday to execute Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, refuting his lawyers' argument that he was pulled into the plot by his radicalized Muslim older brother and overcoming Massachusetts' popular opposition to the death penalty.

Tsarnaev said nothing when the verdict was announced at about 3:30 p.m ET. He sat in his chair and swallowed, and remained expressionless as U.S. District Judge George O'Toole thanked members of the jury, some of whom wept.

After he is formally sentenced by O'Toole this summer, Tsarnaev will likely end up at the U.S. Bureau of Prison's death row in Terra Haute, Indiana, where he is expected to embark on an appeals process that could last years before he is finally killed by lethal injection. At 21, he will become the youngest person on federal death row.

I am afraid the appeal process will delay even one day too many for this scum bag of a person. I think he should be executed tonight. But I hope when the day comes he ends up in hell next to his brother.


Super Moderator
Would like to see him made an example of. If you deal in terrorist activity then your sentence will be swift, sure & final. Jurors in a liberal state handed down your sentence. Prepare to meet your maker.....tonight.


Full Access Member
It can be pushed , it seems macvay was pretty quick as was the abortion clinic bomber. I think he should be shoot with 20 mm.cannon.


I say put him to death with a potato gun filled with scews and nails..... Reloading as many times as required

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