Disgraceful Tweet Mike Brown’s Mom Posted


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Our Leo's are targets for the liberal black left. I know many Leo's that are good people and some that are assholes . We all have bad days.


Super Moderator
There are many people out there that still think M. Brown had his hands up, didn't strong arm rob the convenience store (even though there's video) and didn't attack Wilson. The officer just drove up pulled on him and shot him. People will only believe what they want to despite the facts.


Full Access Member


Full Access Member
I give women my seat if they are not offensive. When is white month? Dead punk is dead punk!!!

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
This whole Ferguson affair has become a hot bed or I should say a witch hunt for anything dealing with police anymore. We keep seeing headlines screaming unarmed black teen shot by white officer..so there is this conception that all police are racists and there is a major problem in this country. So the government gets involved or Sharpton or Jackson and condemn the latest shooting without hearing the whole truth..I sure wouldn't want to be a cop but my hats off to them in doing it.


Full Access Member
IMHO this is going to a position for the perps. To be able to commit crimes and not be challenged on them because we are afraid of the repercussions. I remember in the 60s in Oakland Calif. Riots and looting the Mayor gave a shoot to kill order, the looting stopped almost instantly. :)

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
If that happened you would have a bunch of trigger happy cops I'm as afraid...just s t a though.....
Concealed 27


Active member
With what is going on these days, it is almost just as bad to be a holder of any firearm. If I had to draw my weapon to defend myself or my family and the individual that was the aggressor was not white, I would literally be taking my chances when I drew my weapon and defend myself, UNLESS I had the whole incident on tape and they could see with their own eyes what was going down. I am half tempted to find a way to cover any base I can so that if I have to defend myself I wont find myself up on murder charges for being a racist white man. The other only sure defense would be to post hat video IMMEDIATELY on any source I possibly could so that the media would have a much harder time taking it apart and showing the racist in action first before my side of the incident was known.


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A new fundamentally changed nation. Run by criminals. Sorry drugs still active.
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