Democratic Lawmaker Refuses to Lead the Pledge of Allegiance


I support her in her thought and I hope the voters in her district will too.....

Please vote "NO" to any re-election of Pennsylvania State Representative Babette Josephs, this message brought to you by the Citizens of America


Active member
Political suicide me thinks.... I believe the american people will see that she is not re-elected.


Super Moderator
How difficult would it have been for her to just not say "under God" when she got to it if it offended her so much. Just because lawmakers won't drop it doesn't mean she can't. Well, she's made her decision. A bad one I'd wager. Wait and see.

By her own words, she hasn't pledged allegiance to the United States since 1954. Surprised she's lasted this long.
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My bet is until this story broke, no one that had voted for her in the past was even aware of her thoughts on the Pledge


Super Moderator


Super Moderator
That will work ;)
It's actually a .jpg. Just have to place it as a picture until the smileys here get updated.

And just to clarify my stance on the lady and the Pledge of Allegiance. Yes, she absolutely has every right to pass on leading it or saying it. Do I want someone like her representing me or possibly making/voting on laws on my behalf? Not only no, but Hell no! IMO she should be in a job where saying the Pledge isn't part of her job. She's been living a lie since 1954.
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