Bored OKC teens kill jogger


Super Moderator
There is no excuse for what they did. There may be a reason however,no moral guidance in the family. Was there a father figure in their lives ? still not an excuse just a warning to all of us. We are raising a generation of psychopaths. Zimmerman helped a little. Watch your 6.

At least one of them had a father, cuz his dad was on the news saying his son was innocent. Of course he is !!! Bullshit !!! You as parent that raised that POS deserve to sit right up front and watch your kid fry as his eye balls pop out of his head !!!


Super Moderator
I also want to know where the gun came from. How did it get into the hands of a minor? If it was one of the parents then they are responsible too and should do time as well.


Super Moderator
I also want to know where the gun came from. How did it get into the hands of a minor? If it was one of the parents then they are responsible too and should do time as well.

I see your point on that and if it was found the parents were grossly negligent then hell yes, at least 2nd degree manslaughter.

By age 15, 16 and 17 most kids know if their parent has a gun and if it's not locked up, a bad kid can rummage through mom and dads room and find it even if it were in a safe place. These punks were old enough to know better.

My opinion won't be popular on this matter, but if you can afford $400-$600 for a gun, then you can afford $600-$1000 for a gun safe. Or at least a small good secure Sentry Fire safe for about $250 for hand guns and bolt it down in your closet. All together, hand guns, shot guns and rifles, I've got about 20. All but one are locked in my gun safe. Under the bed, in a closet, blah blah blah just isn't safe enough for any household. Crooks may get in my house and take TVs, Tools and computers, but they won't have time to get in the gun safe in 90% of most cases. JMO, if you have guns you need a safe. And I don't mean some tin box with a lock on it, or a nice wooden curio cabinet with frosted glass of a deer scene on it and a little piss ass lock.

I trust my kids whole heartedly and to this day and they were raised with guns and been shooting since big enough to hold one. My kids still don't have the combo of my gun safe I've had for 15 years and they are now 17 and 25 years old. My wife, now ex, didn't have the gun safe combo. I don't even know it. But, I know where to get where it's stashed in print without any reference so noone would know what it is if they seen it. And passworded file on my computer and hdd back ups. In the event I croak off, when the kids go through my crap, they'll find that safe combo and that's when they can have it.


Full Access Member
I bet they all had a father. The killing would have taken place I think even without a gun. It would have taken my balls on the kids part and been more personal for them. Safes are great.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
On Thursday, Sharpton was asked on his “PoliticsNation” show on MSNBC why he hadn’t addressed the shooting of 22-year-old Chris Lane.

Not my problem, the reverend replied.

“I protest when I’m called in and when there’s an injustice,” he said. “The three were arrested, there was nothing to protest. The system worked there.

“And racial? Not only did the police not say it was racial, one of the three were white.”

That’s in contrast to the Trayvon Martin killing, Sharpton implied, where he saw fit to insert himself into a neighborhood tragedy, fan the flames of racial antagonism in the United States, and post another entry in the Al Sharpton race-baiting hall of fame.

This guy kills me..take your bullhorn and shove it up your ass.


Supporting Vendor
I found my nine year old son playing a game where he was able to car jack, shoot anyone, etc. I told him he's not old enough to play it. I think parents in this case need to pay more attention to kids. I've been online playing shootem up games so many in my opinion way too young.


Super Moderator
I found my nine year old son playing a game where he was able to car jack, shoot anyone, etc. I told him he's not old enough to play it. I think parents in this case need to pay more attention to kids. I've been online playing shootem up games so many in my opinion way too young.

Honestly age is just a #. I know some 9 yo that still act 6, and some that are more mature than their parents. I think it all depends on the kid. If he's the bully or violent type, NO I wouldn't let him. If he's a mature, well mannered, handles his anger well etc, I think I'd take advantage of the opportunity to start talking about criminals and thugs, right from wrong and how bad it is, and maybe even some self defense techniques as in how to handle the situation himself if it should happen to him while he's out with a bud or his mother, as in simply get out of the car, let them have what they want and walk off. Also let him know, when he's older and big enough to defend himself physically then that might change. Make sure he knows it fake and just a game. Ask him things like, so if you was that person that just got jacked in real life how would you feel? You just shot some dude in a car and killed him, and took off with his car. How would you feel if some thug did that to me on my home from work and you didn't have a dad anymore? You'd hope what he's getting out of it, is how bad of a crime it is in real life. Point is, sometimes these are good to also let a kid know what real life is like out there in the real world and what could happen to them or their family. Just playing war games. Kinda lets a kid know what are soldiers are doing in real life everyday without their families and being targets and may not come home. I consider those games like PitBulls and how you raise them. Sure they have the capability to do real harm, BUT, raise a PitBull right, they can be one of the best family dogs around, raise them wrong and they'll kill anything in site. JMO


Active member
Video games have been shown by multiple sources to have a variety of effects. In one study they found that games had a calming effect on kids and in another they have found that arrests and violent crime has decreased since games of that nature have been released. I wrote a paper on it for my Psychology class a few days ago. There is a lot of people looking to point the finger, but a true in depth study has yet to be done that was not dripping with biased opinions.

Once we can get a truly accurate study done we will see what the results have in them, but if you are inherently violent, it will come out one way or another. Games just happen to make a nice scapegoat because we are refusing to look at the real problems. Mental instability must start being address by looking at the parents that are just ignoring it, or who are afraid they will be seen as bad people because their child has issues.


Super Moderator
Video games have been shown by multiple sources to have a variety of effects. In one study they found that games had a calming effect on kids and in another they have found that arrests and violent crime has decreased since games of that nature have been released. I wrote a paper on it for my Psychology class a few days ago. There is a lot of people looking to point the finger, but a true in depth study has yet to be done that was not dripping with biased opinions.

Once we can get a truly accurate study done we will see what the results have in them, but if you are inherently violent, it will come out one way or another. Games just happen to make a nice scapegoat because we are refusing to look at the real problems. Mental instability must start being address by looking at the parents that are just ignoring it, or who are afraid they will be seen as bad people because their child has issues.

I agree, it's on an individual basis. Many kids play these games with no ill effect. But every once in awhile you have one that it blurs the lines of reality and somehow they get access to a loaded gun and go back into game mode. You just never know which kid it's going to be. I'm not blaming the game. The parents need to monitor their kids.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
My girls son got into trouble the first day of school for using his hand like a gun and pointed at his friend. On Sunday he was playing a xbox game at a friends... Thats were he got it from. Mom does not allow toy guns for her 6 YR old so we know it was the game. She had a talk with him and I did also, letting him know that it is unexeptable behavior. Now when I was 6 it was different but of course that was 35 years ago. Times have changed for sure...Kids bringing guns and drugs to school. Makes me Ill to my stomach....The Tampa Bay area is getting alot of attention due to all the shootings that have occurred, seems like once a week......What makes these idiots go on a rampage I dont know, well I do know that drugs are a huge problem in my area. Sunday I was at a store and a dude on his bike asked me if I needed any drugs:badidea: WTF

Concealed 27


Full Access Member
Nothing wrong with playing with finger guns. What is wrong is is the steady assault by liberals who are trying to ingrain into our children that guns themselves are evil. They paint a tool, one used by our police and military and is meant to protect us as evil while at the same time making it easier for our children to get access to drugs and to be victimized by gang violence. Common sense has been trampled by liberalism.

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