Bored OKC teens kill jogger

Sgt. Rock

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OKLAHOMA CITY — An Australian baseball player out for a jog in an Oklahoma neighborhood was shot and killed by three "bored" teenagers who decided to kill someone for fun, police said.

Christopher Lane, who was visiting the town of Duncan, where his girlfriend and her family live, had passed a home where the boys were staying and that apparently led to him being gunned down at random, Police Chief Danny Ford said Monday. A 17-year-old in the group has given a detailed confession to police, but investigators haven't found the weapon used in last week's shooting, the chief said.

That teen and the others — ages 15 and 16 — remain in custody, and Ford said the district attorney is expected to file first-degree murder charges Tuesday. It wasn't known if the three will be charged as adults or juveniles. They are to appear in court Tuesday afternoon.

"They saw Christopher go by, and one of them said: 'There's our target,'" Ford said. "The boy who has talked to us said, 'We were bored and didn't have anything to do, so we decided to kill somebody.'"

He said they followed the 22-year-old Lane, a student from Melbourne attending college on a baseball scholarship, in a car and shot him in the back before driving off.

Ford told the television station KOCO in Oklahoma City that one of the teens said they shot Lane for "the fun of it."

Shot him in the back the fun of it...I say all three need to fry on this one and I don't really care their juveniles..I'll even pull the switch.


Full Access Member
Absolutely disgusting! They are plenty old enough to pay for this. All 3 deserve the maximum penalty.


Active member
If they think they are old enough to gun down innocent people because they are bored I think not only should they be tried as adults.... They deserve the maximum penalty the justice system offers. Taking a life for any reason should be justifiable. Not just "I was bored and he/she was handy"


Full Access Member
Give them and their parents the death penalty. If you can't raise your kids to atleast respect human life then off the parents too


Full Access Member
What a poor reflection of our society. They could have at least eaten him. Off with their heads.


Super Moderator
Let me throw this out there for consideration. Does anyone think that shootemup video games contribute to this? These kids get wrapped up in their games going around shooting people and then think it's alright to do it for real. But when they do it for real there's no reset button.

I'm not making excuses for them but rather looking for something that's conditioned them with this mindset.

And I agree, if they don't fry, make sure they're never bored again. Hard labor for the rest of their lives. No cushy air conditioned cell, no TV, no internet. Only a sledge hammer and a shovel for them. Their lives should be a living Hell.


Full Access Member
Boys in a small gang mom says.Black on white looks to me.I am afraid it is only getting started.


Full Access Member
Let me throw this out there for consideration. Does anyone think that shootemup video games contribute to this? These kids get wrapped up in their games going around shooting people and then think it's alright to do it for real. But when they do it for real there's no reset button.

I totally agree with this.
when you keep "killing" people in 1st person shooters and it's all "cool" you get disconnected from the real world consequences.


Super Moderator
Boys in a small gang mom says.Black on white looks to me.I am afraid it is only getting started.

If this is true, why wasn't that made apparent immediately? You know if the roles had been reversed that would have been the first thing pointed out.


Full Access Member
Let me throw this out there for consideration. Does anyone think that shootemup video games contribute to this? These kids get wrapped up in their games going around shooting people and then think it's alright to do it for real. But when they do it for real there's no reset button.

I'm not making excuses for them but rather looking for something that's conditioned them with this mindset.

And I agree, if they don't fry, make sure they're never bored again. Hard labor for the rest of their lives. No cushy air conditioned cell, no TV, no internet. Only a sledge hammer and a shovel for them. Their lives should be a living Hell.

That is an easy argument to make but any sane person still knows the difference and knows right and wrong besides, how many of the older generations grew up playing cowboys and indians shooting cap guns and rubber tipped arrows at actual people? How many played army? How about lazer tag and photon type games? How many grew up play fighting with wooden swords? Games of conflict and violence are as old as time. Heck, look at a pup attack a stuffed toy or playfully attack another dog or it's master, yet even that dog knows not to really attack a person or other dog without cause.

The problem isn't games or movies. The problem is entitled scum who don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.


Full Access Member
That is an easy argument to make but any sane person still knows the difference and knows right and wrong besides, how many of the older generations grew up playing cowboys and indians shooting cap guns and rubber tipped arrows at actual people? How many played army? How about lazer tag and photon type games? How many grew up play fighting with wooden swords? Games of conflict and violence are as old as time. Heck, look at a pup attack a stuffed toy or playfully attack another dog or it's master, yet even that dog knows not to really attack a person or other dog without cause.

The problem isn't games or movies. The problem is entitled scum who don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.

Very well said. I get so sick of the television/video game excuse. Never once have I tried to Freeze someone, and then FINISH HIM!!!


Active member
I am an avid gamer and I play games like Payday. In Payday you do robberies and hold up and even straight up destroying of property. Now is the game violent, Yes. Does it encourage a rational person to think this is cool to do, Hell NO. They throw enough cops at you in the game that you think the who US is after you and it is extremely difficult.

A game like Payday is a violent game that show criminal behavior, but you do not see me going out and robbing the local backs thinking that if I do it stealthy, I can get away and never be caught. Games and movies make handy targets for extremists to target as the seed of bad behavior, but how many gamers are out there right now knocking over liquor stores? Most gamers I know enough the challenge of the game and have pretty calm heads about reality and what would actually happen in a real life situation.

Violent people do not need games or even movies to act upon their violent tendencies. They just need to do it. If they get caught, what of it the fun ends. If they don't get caught they are free to do it again when they wish to. We need to stop focusing on irrelevant issues and start focusing on what is the real problem. People that have violent issues when they are young need to stop being protected and having the issue ignored and start making sure that they get the assistance and help they need when they are young. If we can start seeing aberrant behavior in the young and do something about it, or we can do what we are now and never start to address the issue until it is to late.


Super Moderator
Most people do know right from wrong. And I wasn't saying this was the reason. I'm not placing blame anywhere but in these boys laps. Just wondered if anyone thought it could be a contributing factor.

Oppo, yeah, I played those games as well but there was human interaction. If we accidentally hurt someone, we knew it right then and there. I guess what I'm trying to say is that for some people when playing those types of games day in and day out maybe the lines of reality get blurred. I think in the Sandy Hook shooting this may have played a role.

Then again, this could have been purely a hate crime. They didn't like the way he looked or wanted him in their neighborhood.

Wow! Looks like I struck a nerve or three.
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Super Moderator
I totally agree with this.
when you keep "killing" people in 1st person shooters and it's all "cool" you get disconnected from the real world consequences.

If this is true, why wasn't that made apparent immediately? You know if the roles had been reversed that would have been the first thing pointed out.

Exactly, let's see what Obama and Eric Holder have to say about this one. Our local news here in OKC never mentioned race. Just said 3 teens and 1 one of the mothers assured the news reporter that her son is not guilty and not a murderer. BS !!!

According to our local news, 1 of the teens gave a full detailed confession and QUOTE, " We did it for the fun of it " !!!


Super Moderator
And of course it's already started. Australlian government is blaming USA and OK for NO GUN CONTROL and urging all Aussies to boycott vacationing the USA. OK, that's fine boycott us.

BUT, now there have been credible threats to Duncan, OK High School students, so the normally open campus has been closed. School will be in Session but locked down. Security will be hightened, and IF the parents want to keep their kids home, there absences will be excused under the circumstances.

Hopefully people understand, Oklahomans, White, Black, Hispanic, Indian and all of the above want all 3 of these teens, even the white one hung up by their fuggin nuts. This kind of shit don't happen in OK and Oklahomans are pist as hell about it. I'll assure you, these teens will get all the justice the legal system will allow and I predict with 90% chance they'll be charged as adults, but because they are minors, will only get Life in Prison and not the death penalty. I'd also add, in 15-20 years they'll have chance of parole but it'll be denied. OK doesn't parole many murderers at all. I think it's moreso out of respect for the families of the victims.


Full Access Member
Wow! Looks like I struck a nerve or three.

You didn't strike a nerve with me. Video games could play a role in the desensitizing of kids, but i think thats just a poor excuse for trying to explain what causes kids to do dumb shit. (other than themselves being dumb as shit)

I was just trying to make light of the situation by referencing one of the most violent games when I was 15. In '92 that was Mortal Kombat.


Super Moderator
You didn't strike a nerve with me. Video games could play a role in the desensitizing of kids, but i think thats just a poor excuse for trying to explain what causes kids to do dumb shit. (other than themselves being dumb as shit)

I was just trying to make light of the situation by referencing one of the most violent games when I was 15. In '92 that was Mortal Kombat.

Like I was saying. I wasn't saying video games are the cause of all this but may contribute like you say by desensitizing kids and in the occasional instance blur the lines of reality with some. Most everyone here is pretty much past being a kid and knows right from wrong and reality vs make believe.

I am not saying that anything needs to change in the gaming industry. But parents need to observe their kids while playing such games to make sure they can handle it and aren't getting too wrapped up in it. If a kid continues to show violent behavior after the game is turned off then they might want to have a little talk with Jr.

Apparently I wasn't the only one this thought occurred to. The news was talking about it this morning and I heard it again on the radio. Again, I'm not proposing anything be done other than parents doing their job. I'm not placing any blame on the games or using them as any kind of excuse for what happened. The majority of kids play these game without any lingering effects and grow up happy and healthy.

One thing that does bother me is why out of the three kids involved in the shooting didn't one say "This isn't a good idea. Maybe we shouldn't do this"? One of them said "Lets go shoot someone" and the other two thought that was a grand thing to do? Was there not a gram of common sense between the three of them? Obviously not.
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Super Moderator
I don't play video games at all and until I heard they have a positive benefit for kids to learn hand dexterity and develpment of good hand/eye coordination, I thought they were all a waste of money. So NO, I won't take the side of the gamers just because it's a game.

But NO, I personally don't feel the games contribute to this kind of violance. Yep, we're adults and know right from wrong. We grew up watching the coyote trying to KILL the road runner 10X per cartoon and even using explosives, and the Coyote was KILLED at least 3 times per cartoon and came back. Porky Pig carried gun trying kill a Wabbit and got shot several times. We watched John Wayne movies, GunSmoke, Bonanza, and many other big screen movies that involved killing people with guns including Military Movies and we didn't go out and kill people. I see how someone can involved in their game but I'd certainly think once they put the controller down their mind should go back to reality. They're not living in the game anymore.

Now if we start to see kids out in the streets pointing game console controllers at people.... I think then we can start to worry.


Full Access Member
There is no excuse for what they did. There may be a reason however,no moral guidance in the family. Was there a father figure in their lives ? still not an excuse just a warning to all of us. We are raising a generation of psychopaths. Zimmerman helped a little. Watch your 6.

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