Black Leaders Discuss the Right to Keep and Bear Arms


Full Access Member
Very informative video dealing with the past, present and future.

[ame=]Black Leaders Discuss the Right to Keep and Bear Arms - YouTube[/ame]


Full Access Member
I watched the first ten minutes and intend to watch the rest later when I have more time but some of the video rubs me the wrong way.

This country will never get over racism if people don't let it go (yes that means whites too). I have a problem with people calling themselves african-american, mexican-american etc. I don't refer to myself as irish-american, english-american etc. I'm a AMERICAN and that's it. You're either American or you're not. Plain and simple with no way around it!


Full Access Member
Ok so I've made it about 56 minutes into the video and most of the speakers make very good points. So far I'll say the video has been worth the watch (except for two speakers) and very informative. Hopefully I'll have time to finish it this evening. Thanks for sharing

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