AWB Update


especially the criminal, they will no longer need workman's comp to cover them for on the job injuries

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Confiscate from our Patriots who went to war for us but are no longer on active duty....If it comes down to that, they will take from those who know how to use first....Us for an example:hunter:


Full Access Member
We are real slow if we think that list does not exist .They are forbidden to use or admit to it at this time. Wal Mart knows when you fart. Uncle Sam wants to be there to help wipe. So keep smiling it looks better on the pictures.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
This quote from the story tells it all about her view on gun control:

"The enemies on this are very powerful. I've known that all my life,” Feinstein said Tuesday.

Maybe she should of moved to some commie country along time ago..:mad3:


Full Access Member
The AWB is dead in the Senate, thanks to a few rural Democrat Senators. A GOP senator from ME voted for the AWB. Bummer.

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