A group of researchers from the University of Queensland, Australia released a study titled “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions” on October 31, 2013. According to this study there is a great correlation between white gun ownership in the United States and racism against blacks. The researchers go out of their way to reaffirm their hypothesis by using questionable data, contradiction, stereotypes, and adjusting variables until they get the desired result. The hypothesis put forth claims that since more whites own guns and are willing to protect gun rights at a greater instance than blacks, they claim whites owning a gun for self-protection is false. According to their studies, the real reason why whites own guns is their fear of blacks and the stereotype that blacks are more violent. The study goes on to claim that white gun owners suffer from symbolic racism and the study even goes as far as claiming gun ownership will eventually make a white person become a racist.
This study relied on the information gathered from the American National Election Study (ANES) to come to their conclusion. The researchers opted to pick a group of people that met a certain demographic; white, male, conservative, gun owner, anti-government sentiment, southerner, etc., and observed the answers to the race related questions given by ANES
Read more at New Study Plays Race Card on Gun Owners - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update
This study relied on the information gathered from the American National Election Study (ANES) to come to their conclusion. The researchers opted to pick a group of people that met a certain demographic; white, male, conservative, gun owner, anti-government sentiment, southerner, etc., and observed the answers to the race related questions given by ANES
Read more at New Study Plays Race Card on Gun Owners - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update