Article - Surviving The Coming Collapse


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Surviving the coming collapse

Article said:
Understanding what’s coming

Based on my investigation, numerous interviews and hours upon hours of extensive research, one thing appears to be certain. The collapse of the U.S. dollar is a mathematical certainty, it merely a question of when. No one seems able to answer the timing aspect of such an event, although they all comfortably believe it will be sometime within the next 18-24 months at the “outside.” Quietly, however, they have murmured that they don’t think we have that much time.

Perhaps most important of all is the fact that a dollar collapse will have global ramifications. Simply put, it will bring down the entire economy of the world, so there won’t be anyplace to run to escape. Some places and areas will fare better than others, but it will still affect every civilized country on the planet.

Also of critical importance is the understanding that this is an “engineered” collapse, one that is designed to introduce a single global currency. (You know, the belief that has been identified as a domestic terror threat by DHS standards). It is unlikely that this global currency or economic reset will be instantaneous, however. There will exist a period of extreme chaos, uncertainty, and a level of suffering that has been never before seen. It is for this period that we must prepare.

There will be “bank runs” as people try to get their money out of their accounts before the digital figures present in your account - the balances you check frequently - disappear. As the economy of the world reels from this unprecedented event, chaos will become the norm as the unprepared will be panic buying, looting and pillaging. As days turn into weeks and perhaps months, people will be hungry and desperate. Essential services will suffer, and the very things we all take for granted will be strained until broken. Martial Law will become a reality to quell the angry masses who have been victimized by this controlled demolition of our economy. While some areas will fare better than others, no one will escape unscathed except the elite architects of this plan.

Perhaps this might explain the questions and controversy surrounding the bulk ammunition purchases by the U.S. DHS and other federal agencies, the para-militarization of state, county and local police, and military movements within the United States.
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Full Access Member
I think that the "Overton Window" is a read to be remembered. I have had a fear or more of a sinking feeling that there are controlling, powerful, wealthy, irrational, unrealistic individuals that have a burning desire to be the Don Quixote of the "masses". George Soros is a prime example. I have read of this mans life and life's purpose and it is not pretty for "We the People". I believe there will be at least pockets of chaos in areas such as the inner city and major population center. Race is always a talking point, we like to make life better for some on the backs of a few.

I see bad times ahead....


Full Access Member
I'm going to rob the turnip truck. Soros is a piece of work,and should be hated by all.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Some very interesting but scary read. Just makes you wonder who is exactly behind the scenes of it all. Mega corporations? Oil companies?, Swiss bankers? Greedy billionaires? Wall Street?, Obama? the Chinese?..maybe it's getting closer to grab the wife and the jeep full of mre's, weapons, ammo, radio, water and head to the hills for hunkering down..never thought it would ever happen in my lifetime.


Super Moderator
Some very interesting but scary read. Just makes you wonder who is exactly behind the scenes of it all. Mega corporations? Oil companies?, Swiss bankers? Greedy billionaires? Wall Street?, Obama? the Chinese?..maybe it's getting closer to grab the wife and the jeep full of mre's, weapons, ammo, radio, water and head to the hills for hunkering down..never thought it would ever happen in my lifetime.

Elite world bankers. The people behind the Fed. Obummer is just a front man. Doing their bidding. There are probably elite from all major industries that are in on it too. That's how they've made their money by being part of the group. Look up Bilderberg Group and Council for Foreign Relations (CFR).

As you already know, the Fed is a privately owned organization. The Government printing office prints the bills but it has to pass through the Fed to be considered money and spendable. Then the Fed loans the money back to the government and charges interest. So there is no way for the government to fully pay back the loan. In order to pay the principle and interest they need to borrow money to pay it. It's a vicious cycle that cannot be broken without defaulting on the loan. It's the worlds biggest ponzi scheme.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Been reading some more stuff tonight..looks like more and more countries like China, Japan, Russia, India, Germany, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, etc are steering away from the U.S. Dollar, which has for years enjoyed being the worlds reserve currency. Our growing national debt is probably the biggest reason for this...has nearly doubled since Obama first took office. Printing more money is like stoking a fire and if indeed the dollar collapses it will make 2008 look like a passing storm.

Some experts and advisors are predicting it will be happening soon and that the signs are already here for an huge economic/social change in this country...some scary stuff alright. Gold/silver buying seems to be the smart buy, for prices will only go up when the shit hits the fan as they say.


New member
Excellent way of describing it. Money is going to be useless after it all happens. Ammunition and weaponry is going to be the new currency probably.

I don't think I can agree with the economic collapse happening in the next 8 months or so. There are too many eyes on Politics right now due to all the controversy and attention that is being brought into it. I can see more of that happening when our civil liberties are being infringed upon. Let me correct myself here... If they can pull the 2nd Amendment (Which I don't think they ever will). Then they would have to force the economic collapse in order to protect themselves from the amount of retaliation.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Is this the new America?..where it takes a wheelborrow of money to buy a loaf of bread..aka Germany in the early 1920's. When $1 U.S. Dollar = $4.2 Trillion Deutsche Marks. Let's hope that history doesn't repeat itself.


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