Any interest in a forum wide ongoing shooters match?


New member
I'm running ongoing shooters competitions on a couple other forums and they seem relatively successful. The idea is to get folks out and shooting, to improve their skills with their equipment and to enjoy a friendly "competition" with other forum friends.

Here's the match threads at FRF; these will give you an idea what I mean. If there's enough of ya interested, I will fire something similar up here and keep it maintained.


Handgun Match:

Long gun Match:

ninja man

Full Access Member
haha, big j. i just got wifes approval to get my oldest daughter a 22. you better watch out. she is going to come for you


Full Access Member
kinda like a postal shoot, but we wont be mailing you our targets.
I enjoy this kind of competition.
I'm in... :signs6:


Active member
I would be interested in something like this... my only question would be... which state would we hold to competitions in :p other than that sounds like a good way to make some new friends

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