Full Access Member
Anyone else noticing ammo is flying off the shelves? Can't find any .45 ammo anywhere in GA.
Interesting. My buddy and me have been to 6-8 gun stores including your regular Walmart, Bass Pro, etc. and cannot find any .45 acp, .223, and .40... You guys are lucky!
Just came from my Walmart. Lots of empty space on the shelves where popular calibers once were. If there were any 9mm or .45 it was the expensive stuff. All the value packs were gone.
Gotta say one positive thing about Obama (as much as it pains me), He's been good for the guns and ammo industry. That's one way to stimulate the economy. The Raleigh Dixie Gun & Knife Show is this weekend. I bet it's going to be swamped.
I always have a year suply of amo on hand buy more before you run out. kinda like when I used to drink beer. a beer frige don't do much good if it's empty.