"All this for a damn flag"


New member
my mother recently forwarded me this email, this is copy and pasted from it:

"Obama's wife as seen by deaf people

Obama and his wife were attending The 9/11 Memorial Ceremony and watched as the Color Guard folded the flag into a triangular shape, according to custom.

A video camera caught the two from the sidelines. Obama's wife leaned over and said to him, "All this for a damn flag?" Obama turned to her, smiled smugly and nodded his head in agreement.

How do we know what was said? The video was presented for translation to a lip reading instructor at The River School, a Washington D.C. school for the deaf."

Has anybody else heard about this or can confirm it? Reading this just makes me so aggrivated, its unbelievable.


Full Access Member
I've heard the story. There is the video all over the Internet, some even in slow motion.

My wife watched it, and she agrees with what it is claimed Moochele said.


Full Access Member
4 years ago, Obama openly stated during an interview that he didn't care what the constitution said and intended to disregard it. I find it very easy to believe that his wife would make such a comment when she believes it will go unnoticed.


New member
This topic, seems to POP up on every board I'm on or been on at some point or another. My question is "why?" Why do we have people like this in charge? I mean come on, seriously!! Why even run for president if everything the job or our country offends you or your beliefs?? Wtf!?!

I feel the same about them as I do about people complaining and bitching I don't speak THEIR language. I'm sorry, but imo. IF I OR WE OFFEND YOU OR YOUR BELIEFS SO MUCH, THEN... GTFO!!


New member
Yes, I am tired of all the BS. Tired of bending over backwards to apease everyone so we don't offend them. Well, what about MY/OUR beliefs or freedoms, customs? Why should I give give up mine so you can have yours?!?

I look @ things this way.. You have your beliefs,customs. And that's fine. Don't push them off on me. I have my beliefs, and customs. And I won't push them off on you. And we will get along just fine.

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