30 magazine Clip.... Wait... What?


Super Moderator
There's a guy who has absolutely no idea what he's talking about. It would be like me trying to teach a class in brain surgery.

See what you have to do is enter the cerebral core through the medula oblongotta in order to reach the cerebellum that's just behind the frontal lobe.

I have no idea what I just said but it sounded impressive. Now I think the guy in the video has already had a lobotomy. That's my professional opinion as a make believe surgeon.


Full Access Member
Hay I got this twitch in my big toe.Do you think its my hypothalamus telling me to bay a Les Baer? This guy needs a day on the range, hopefully pulling targets.
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Full Access Member


Full Access Member
All the buzzwords thrown together, regardless if accurate or even logical sounding - he hit all the magic buzzwords, so Feinstien will be happy with him.
Never forget the California legislator who publicly invited all law abiding gun owners to leave the state - wonder who would pay the light bill, then?


Full Access Member
Looks like NY is following suit. Communist are getting elected in record numbers. We will have to stop it or get in line.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Awesome, wtf is a magazine clip.....lol you would think he would have done a little bit of research before talking speaking out his ass.... I don't talk bad about stuff I know nothing about. It's called common sense and he has none apparently...
Concealed 27

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