2arrested from sons of guns show


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He may have taken things a bit too far with bruising the kid. But I remember as a child getting the belt a few times. It was commonplace (back then) to get your attention and keep you on the right path. Nowadays that "correction" would have landed my father in jail.

Whats the old saying? "Spare the rod, spoil the child". Sounds accurate to me.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I was disipled with what nowadays would be called abuse, you can't even punish your child in any way today seems like...I'm not condoning abuse but sometimes a good ass whipping is the only way to get thru to them....
Concealed 27


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Something like this can be hard to pass judgement on without seeing what happened. Child abuse is a serious issue but a well deserved spanking is not abuse. It is parenting.


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This society has failed because men have stopped being strong fathers!!!!!!! Prison is where a lot of young men grow up today and it is not good for our society.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Any man who beats a child or women is a worthless pussy... I cannot stand this, my girls ex used to beat her ass and she thinks it was her fault. Why I don't know but any man who hits a women deserves to get his ass beat and I will say this, if I ever run into this guy I may go to jail, he has threatened me on the phone and I filed a police report on him cause he threatened to shoot me, I told him I'm the wrong person to say that too.....anyways had to vent...
Concealed 27


Full Access Member
Any man who beats a child or women is a worthless pussy... I cannot stand this, my girls ex used to beat her ass and she thinks it was her fault. Why I don't know but any man who hits a women deserves to get his ass beat and I will say this, if I ever run into this guy I may go to jail, he has threatened me on the phone and I filed a police report on him cause he threatened to shoot me, I told him I'm the wrong person to say that too.....anyways had to vent...
Concealed 27

I have run across a few of these. Each time, they indeed pussed out. These worthless fools put their hands on a woman but want no part of tangling with a man. One literally took off running.

Getting involved in a domestic violence situation is no win proposition because 99.9% of the time, the woman involved will back the piece of shit's story and hang you, the person who helped her, out to dry but I will be damned if I can figure out how to do nothing when the kids are screaming and crying because either dad or mommy's boyfriend is beating the hell out of their mom.


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Brutally beating anything is a cry for help.Cops hate these calls because there is no reasoning with there emotions.


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Seems that show didn't do to well for these guys. Not sure if Will Hayden is out on bond or what, but he apparently raped a couple of minor girls. He's one that should be hung. This situation here about spanking a kid with a belt COULD BE a non issue. Spanking is one thing, whaling on a kid with a belt is another and should be punishable.

Glad I live in OK. I was pist at this situation in the first place but my wife at the time, had spanked my daughter which I had told her, IF it comes time for that, I'll be the one to do it. You can discipline her in any other way but not spanking. Our son, different story, you can spank him but IMO it's the blood parent that takes care of that. I also reserve spanking for last restort or nature of the what was done wrong. I can count on 1 hand how many times both of my kids were spanked and they are well behaved, well mannered kids, now adults. At any rate, the wife spanked my daughter. She calls her mother. Her mother comes over with the cops to take my daughter away and trying to get my wife arrested. A female cop and daughters mother looked at her ass and the cop says, yes her ass is red in couple of spots. Her mother said something, and the cop says, yeah, looks like she got a spanking. Mother says, well she shouldn't have got spanked, I was the one that told her she didn't have to do what her step mother said. The cop looked at her and said, if you were a real mother, you'd have custody of this kid and you could make those decisions, but you're not. But her dad has said she is not to spank our daughter. Cop says, regardless of what dad says, that is his wife, your daughter's step mother, and she is entitled to discipline a child living in her household, so her father and her step mother can work that out, but there's not been a crime committed here, that's discipline. Daughters mother was so pissed and I loved every second of it.


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Discipline - The Right Amount

Back in my day we didn't have all this ADHD and other childhood afflictions that we have today. When dad said to sit still, you sat still. Or suffer the wrath. We also went out and played a lot. Burned off all that pent up energy. We came in for dinner and sat around the table with the rest of our family (without distractions such as phones) and discussed what we did that day. We had discipline and structure. Rules to live by. If you broke those rules then you can expect some more discipline.

If the phone did ring during dinner, somebody (mom) had to get up and walk over to the wall where it was mounted and tell the caller that we were eating and we would call back after we were finished. But this didn't happen very often because everyone else was eating about the same time. Then after dinner we went back out and played until the street lights came on (and then you better get home quick). Got a bath or shower and then we sat around the little TV as a family and watched wholesome (not racy or violent) shows until it was time to go to bed. Yes, we had a certain time each night we had to be in bed. We had structure to our day. We were on a schedule. And it worked.

Now if anyone here was/is diagnosed with ADHD or other type disorder don't get upset with me. I'm not saying it's not a real problem. But if anyone of the multitude of kids I grew up with had it, I didn't know about it. It probably wasn't a recognized disorder way back then. Or it was treated differently by being outside playing, riding your bike all over creation, hiking in the woods or just generally wearing your butt out doing who knows what. We didn't have the internet, video games or 447 cable/satellite channels on TV. Just UHF & VHF which consisted of about 20 channels. And you could usually find something decent to watch if you got the rabbit ears adjusted just right. And to change the station somebody (mom) had to get up and walk over and twist the channel dial on the front of the TV and then use the outer ring of the dial to fine tune the signal. Most TV's today don't even have a dial anymore.

No kid deserves to be beaten. Certainly not to bruise or break the skin or cause bleeding. But a pop on the rear every now and then as a reminder that breaking the rules comes with a consequence is a life lesson. You break the rules as an adult and you can end you up in jail. I got a number of life lessons as I was growing up and I turned out just fine and I've never been to jail. See, it worked (at least for me).


Super Moderator
I damn sure didn't have 20 channels. More like 5. ABC, NBC, CBS, What was Fox back then, and of course Public TV for Sesame Street. That was about it.

You both are correct. I believe the dials showed about 20 some channels but not every number had a broadcast on it. I was thinking back to the era when I lived in Bowie MD. We had the national and some local stations so I may have had a few more being in a populated area. But you're right, there weren't 20 stations to view.



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3 channels and I was the one holding the rabbit ears. I had dyslexia and was next to be child porn star. Wrong story next to be in jail. USMC got my ass straight after a couple of years.


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Child molesters should be hanged upon conviction
On second thought, hanging is too good for them. What is needed is 3 big guys, a radiator hose, and some smelling salts.

Beat them with he hose until they pass out, use the smelling salts to wake them up, and beat them until they pass out again. When one guy gets tired, the next guy takes the radiator hose. Rinse, lather, repeat; until the bastard stops waking up.


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Whipping + salt

Drug through a field of cactus

Tied down on an ant bed and left in the sun

Stoning is always a classic but give them a helmet so it doesn't end too quickly

See how many times a cigar cutter could be used


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