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  1. sixtyin5

    Dpms lr-260h

    Cool toy!!
  2. sixtyin5

    Happy Veteran's Day!!!

    This is a must watch video! Great stuff from the NRA!!/patriotprofiles/video/753
  3. sixtyin5

    Happy Veteran's Day!!!

    Happy Veteran's Day to all who served, or are serving!! Thank a Vet today, if it weren't for them, we would not be the great nation that we are!!
  4. sixtyin5

    11-10 Anger Management

    Nice shootin'! Always makes me feel better too!
  5. sixtyin5

    The Liar In Chief

    If you haven't seen 2016, you should watch this... And make your liberal friends watch it. Then ask them if they knew about this, and if they did, why did they still vote for this? "Oh what a tangled web we weave. When first...
  6. sixtyin5

    The WeaponsForum Big Giveaway I

    Sweet!! I'm in! (That's not for raising my post count!) :D
  7. sixtyin5

    Start Saving Your Pennies - Big Taxes Coming

    Do you have a link to the source for your first post? I want to share it...
  8. sixtyin5

    Senator Dianne Feinstein

    I disagree. If I control my gun just right, I can stop a criminal. That's crime reduction! :D:favorites37:
  9. sixtyin5

    Bus Driver Slaps Girl

    That was no slap... That was a closed fist punch. And a mighty one! Did she deserve it? Eh... maybe a little. I wouldn't take too kindly to being spit on either, but that might have been a little over the top. She does play a good victim when clearly she was in the wrong too...
  10. sixtyin5

    Gun & Self Defense Related Signs & Pics

    Any ideas where I can get that sign?
  11. sixtyin5

    Hand/Eye dominance

    It's normal until you have trained yourself to use both eyes. But it will be extremely difficult if you are using your non-dominant eye. As far as long guns go... yes, you can shoulder them lefty. Again, it's nothing more than learning how, and practicing. When I had shoulder surgery last...
  12. sixtyin5

    Hand/Eye dominance

    The Vaseline trick is a good one, but I don't think it will change your eye dominance. You can also use a small piece of scotch tape. (it's easier to clean off) But, the thing to learn here is to shoot with both eyes open, not to try and change dominance. JMO Shooting with your dominant eye...
  13. sixtyin5

    This should scare any American who reads it...

    Grabbed this from another site: Valerie Jarrett, Obama's senior adviser apparently has made a statement that should curl your toes. Here is a quote from: ... -time-wsi/ A rep from Jarrett office was in today. She gave us a finish line pep talk and then...
  14. sixtyin5

    Another FNG

    Welcome! Diggin' the Avatar.
  15. sixtyin5

    Anybody Do Any Reloading?

    Here is a pic of the first 50: Well, it's the first 50 after loading and testing about 25...
  16. sixtyin5

    He must have really liked that gun!

    How about a Stupid Criminal section on the forum?? I'll start with this submission:
  17. sixtyin5

    Range day with my BP Kentucky pistol

    Very cool! (My wife would shoot me for putting my gun on the pillow like that!!) :D
  18. sixtyin5

    Range 10/30/12

    I just realized that if you watch closely, you can see the 30.06 round traveling toward the target! :biggun: