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  1. K

    Patton's .357

    After he got done with USSR he would be the MAN. Hard to imagine were we would be if he would have finished..
  2. K

    Liberals Start Petition To Have Obama Declare Martial Law

    To bad we did not get a contract. I refuse to watch most of theses actors .
  3. K

    Funny Pics

    They drive like that in Florida with out snow.
  4. K

    Light Sources when electricity isn't available.

    No power extreme heat or cold , all can add to civil unrest. Cold has a way of slowing things down. When the stuff in the fridge starts to melt put it on the back porch. Most power company's are way understaffed in the field ,more administration than needed and don't fix it till it is broken is...
  5. K

    Funny Pics

    We store toilet paper for y2k events. Clean up on main street.
  6. K

    Patton's .357

    That is why the CIA killed him, he would have been president if he lived.
  7. K

    Liberals Start Petition To Have Obama Declare Martial Law

    Does not seem to be a mass exodus. To bad for us . Should be lots of job openings in holiwierd.
  8. K

    Funny Pics

    No I don't like this. Be carful all you snow birds. In Gainesville Fla . 1990 the police put a curfew at 8pm for all nonessential persons on the road. Fla. power grid is not built for snow storms nor are us lineman.
  9. K

    Funny Pics

    Might try titty balm. When the nipples are sore and cracked the lgbt can use gasoline.
  10. K

    Liberals Start Petition To Have Obama Declare Martial Law

    I am not sure Obama could get enough troops to wage war against us.
  11. K

    Marxist Vegan Restaurant Closes...

    Peanut butter and jelly is as close as I will get.
  12. K

    Not So New but A Newb Anyway

    And again !
  13. K

    Liberals Start Petition To Have Obama Declare Martial Law

    Chicago my get it. Cal is beyond help.
  14. K

    Marxist Vegan Restaurant Closes...

    No more meatless SOS for the elite.
  15. K

    Tired of being fat

    My walking partner is a 15 year jack Russell .We both just limp around and bark at squirrels. I am louder.
  16. K

    Slice and Chop Collection

    My gerber will eat your hand. Passed it to wife that will not be trying to fix the world with it.
  17. K

    Ruger SR556 Takedown

    Getting hit is pretty exciding too.
  18. K

    Marxist Vegan Restaurant Closes...

    Great to see capitalism working !!!!
  19. K

    Foreign Government Bought Influence in US Election!!!

    Millions more came from the rag heads for ostupid and billary but was covered up by the cia for money and guns. Like trading guns for drugs , corruption has been around as long as people in power have.