I'm a chicken when it comes to heights. I wear a climbing belt on the way up. I then hook up my line once at top before I disconnect my climbing belt. I fell 2 stories while in the Seabees, don't care to repeat that.
So sad. Why did he not have a safety harness on??? There are so many examples of why you wear them! I have a paralyzed friend who fell from a treestand 20 years ago. He still hunts from a wheel chair.
I've always wanted to go. Been offered a pass a couple of times from a friend that goes every year. Just coughing up the $$$ for flight, hotel room, food, etc... etc...
Yes, I always run my through the cleaner, size and prep my cases when new. I want to start out with my brass uniform. At least when loading my centerfire rifles.
Stopped by to see an old friend the other day. I ended up leaving with a German made Sig P245 in .45acp. My friend pretty much gifted it to me and I was totally shocked. I have drooled over the pistol for several years now and he can no longer shoot or carry the bigger pistols. The pistol...
I don't own this particular gun but have shot several and am impressed. The Ruger SR series in 9mm or .40S&W. Good shooting gun and they don't break the bank.
Another thought is the S&W M&P series. They are also good shooters and have the adjustable palm swells.
Those high shoulder shots are tough. I shot one the other year when I had a broken arm. Never did get him. A .458 caliber, 300 grain Barnes TMZ. That bullet is great in my muzzleloader but the shot was high and he went on. I'm certain he lived after that shot. We trailed him forever and he...
Can't wait to see it once you dress it up!! I have been looking at the VZ grips myself. They look nice.
The Wilson magazines are the best IMO. Plan on getting a couple more myself.
We all know of the popular calibers and we all have one that we love. I'm a .45acp guy here. But we also have a caliber that is a bit odd that we have fondness for also. I actually have more fondness for the odd balls then the regular guys. Curious as to what your odd ball is.
Would guess...
Wonder if they are using it as a Hazmat surcharge? I bought some turkey ammo from them last year and was only charged $5 for shipping & handling.
Of course I find Gander way overpriced locally. They charge full MSRP at the local store for all ammo.
Good luck. I've only made it out once so far for bow season. Muzzleloader starts this weekend and I'm working. Hoping to go sit in my stand on Tuesday though.