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  1. O

    I did it !!! Converted someone to Glock !!!

    Great news - the G23 is a great gun!
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    After about 60-65 rds thru it...

    What distance did you shoot at? 50 feet? 25 yards?
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    The Xgrip is a good idea.
  4. O

    40/9 Conversion barrel pics

    The video worked . . . .
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    Lets see your Glocks

    Do you ever go to the middle east?
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    Night Sights

    Those sights look good . . . . .
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    Variety of mag set-ups per carry conditions

    Looks very good.
  8. O

    What Glock to get?

    I'd get a G17.
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    Xgrip testing

    That looks like a great idea!
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    Gentlemen of the Glock, give me your ears.....and opinions

    Get Gaston's original design - the G17.
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    Glock Commercial

    It looked like a G17.
  12. O

    My Under The Pillow Piece

    My C1.5 G17 is under my stomach every night.
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    Post Ban Mag Pics

    Same here, brother. I always have my G17 with me.
  14. O

    Limp wristing a glock video. Good info.

    My 1st handgun training was in the 1974 US Navy with M 1911A1 .45s. I firm grip was a constant training point, and it has stayed with me in these nearly 40 years. I never limp-wrist my G17 CCW gun since 1989.
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    What Glock to get?

    Get the G17!!!!!!!!
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    Indiana firearm laws

    I have a lot of kin in IN. The gun laws there are OK.
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    Ohio Gun Laws (CCW, Castle Doctrine, ETC)

    It makes me proud to be an Ohioan (living in VT).
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    UT - Concealed Weapons Law

    UT voted for the Kenyan? When?
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    WEAPONS AND FIREARMS 790 Chapter 1

    There are a ton of definitions in there . . . .
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    Democrats Seek to Ban Hunting Ammunition in Wisconsin

    Another important reason for using FMJ ammo in military guns. They feed better into the firing chamber.