1911's... Let's see em...


Full Access Member
Thanks fellas. :D

I believe in the concept of the "working" 1911. It's a tool that I use every day, that I have to stake my life on. I don't need or want bling.
The TacOps is the perfect combo of class, reliability, and accuracy IMO. Magwell to help speed up mag changes, nice ErgoXT grips, unobtrusive ambi thumb safety so I can use the gun with my off hand should I need to, really nice night sights, and a rail for a light (which I use, obviously). Very well fitted, but not too tight, and very high quality parts used. I paid $920 for that gun and it's been nothing but reliable. Why pay more? Nobody should have to pay $3000 to get a duty-reliable 1911. Sig has bridged that gap IMO, and in a big way.

Where'd you get the magwell? Is that something you have to have a smith do? It looks seamless on your Sig. That's a beast of a pistol...I like it! The magwell and some custom grips are about the only changes I plan on making to my Sig. Still need to get some pics...just hasn't been real high on the priority list of things to do here lately.

I will say this is my first Sig and my 5th 1911. Out of the box, the Sig is by far the superior pistol in fit and action. Frankly, the slide is crazy smooth, probably on par or better than my buddy's Nighthawk Custom that cost more than triple this one. I can hardly believe it's going to have enough spring to feed a round. It's the first 1911 my wife can work the action on in a safe manner. If it shoots to expectations, I will never buy a Kimber again. I need some range time with it for final thoughts, though.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I've owned a pretty good variety of .45's: Glock, Kahr, Springfield, Colt, Kimber, Smith and Wesson...not all 1911's, but all varieties of .45! I must like that round or something....
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Full Access Member
Thanks! It is a beast for sure. Loves 230gr Federal HST, too...and with that TLR-1s on it, it's perfect pistol for non-permissive environments (read: duty use ;)).

Believe it or not, the gun is 100% bone stock. Everything you see is what came on it, magwell included. It comes with Sig's awesome night sights, ErgoXT grips, magwell, ambi safety, and four excellent magazines made by checkmate. I carry three of them as my duty mags. A Wilson Combat ETM rides in the gun as my primary, and I'll probably switch them all out eventually as funds allow (just because I like the feed lip design a little better on the Wilsons), but the stock mags have ran 100% since day one, and I trust them enough to carry on duty.

500+ rounds with nary an issue. No break in period, no special ammo diet, no bullshit with this gun. It's a tight fitting match-grade pistol that runs 100% out of the box and eats whatever you feed it, all for less than a grand. It easily competes with pistols twice the price, and I'm a firm believer that they are the best, most underrated 1911s on the market right now.

A few weeks ago during a traffic stop, I actually bumped into a Littleton Sergeant that taught during my academy years ago - he was carrying the same gun.
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New member
I've been a long time fan of the 1911 and its variants. My father got me started with a Colt Combat Commander in 9mm with the lightweight frame back in the early 70's and I've been hooked ever since.

So, here are a couple 1911's that I enjoy.

First off, the one that got me started. My lightweight Colt Combat Commander in 9mm. All that has ever been done to this pistol is switch out the grips to a set of slender panels to better fit my wifes hand.

Here is a Wilson Supergrade in .45 ACP. In over 5,000 rounds, I've only had two mis-feeds with this gem. A real solid performer.

This is my current favorite. A Les Baer Monolith Comanche in .45 ACP. This gun just plain fits my hand. The balance and sights are spot on for me and she is phenomenally accurate. More often than not, this is my daily carry gun.


Full Access Member
I really like that Wilson Supergrade. Not sure why, but the grips really set it off for me.

Here's a couple shots of my Sig 1911 Nitron Carry. I like the Nitron...it's like a cerakote or something, just matte black.

Basic shot:


Gun-porn version:



Full Access Member
"Nitron" is actually IonBond Diamondblack DLC. Sig farms out all of their coating work to IonBond and calls it Nitron. It's a Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) coating that is much more durable than Gunkote/Cerakote/any baked on finish. It's a $300+ finish by itself if you were to have it done on the aftermarket. Adds even more value to the already excellent Sig pistols.


New member
Well I said I would post up pictures of the other two Kimbers I have when I got some so here there are......

Kimber CDP II .45 with VZ Aliens in tiger stripe..

Kimber Aegis II 9mm with Larry Davidsons 4x4 Monkeygrips


New member
(Copied from FRF..I am lazy)
Les Baer Custom
One of my carries.

Kimber Ultra Crimson Pro Carry II
Another carry

Friends of NRA "High Caliber Club" 2011
Kimber Gold Match, Safe Queen

Friends of NRA "High Caliber Club" 2009
Colt Commander 1911, Safe Queen

Friends of NRA "High Caliber Club" 2012
Colt Commander 1911, Safe Queen

Yea, guess who is a committee member for the Friends of NRA
Our 2011 Picture with HCC banner. We did it again for 2012 :)

I have more..just can't think of them. It is too early. I also have a Glock 21SF about 1ft to the right of my leg at my desk. It is in a fingerprint safe. Hey! It's a .45!


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this is on my list for my next purchase - SW1911TA. Wife aint super happy about it but she loves to shoot!


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ak 91 xlt

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this is what i carry on me when i go to town, since i dont trust anyone in town and when something bad happens i just reach inside my coat and into my leather shoulder hoslter and pull it out and no one mess's with me anymore


Full Access Member

this is what i carry on me when i go to town, since i dont trust anyone in town and when something bad happens i just reach inside my coat and into my leather shoulder hoslter and pull it out and no one mess's with me anymore

There's no image attached. I think you might have used the wrong link.


Full Access Member

this is what i carry on me when i go to town, since i dont trust anyone in town and when something bad happens i just reach inside my coat and into my leather shoulder hoslter and pull it out and no one mess's with me anymore

Yeah I can't see this pic of your either... weird


Full Access Member

this is what i carry on me when i go to town, since i dont trust anyone in town and when something bad happens i just reach inside my coat and into my leather shoulder hoslter and pull it out and no one mess's with me anymore

Figured it out. You have to be a member of that forum to see it. And logged in.


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sprsnk: You win! :)

That is an awesome collection of 1911's. I like the 2012 Colt with the diamond-plate pattern, and the grips on the Kimber Gold Match. Those are beautiful guns...they would never leave my safe except to show to people....lol.


Full Access Member
He's got lots a toys. He needs to post some pictures over in the collections thread for y'all to see his other stuff.

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