

Full Access Member
Are we off topic in this section under general DIY/Gun smithing or is it just me?

I believe this section would be much better used on modifications from Polishing, Stoning, Jeweling, Buffering, Customizing springs, Fluting, Wood working stocks, and much more that is more within this sections scope rather than topics that can fall under general gun related outside of DIY and Gun smithing.

I will be posting threads in a few weeks that further this section in a better direction of proper thread placement. I am not a moderator although I would make a good one so this is to the discretion of the mods if this thread Is sticky worthy or not but I believe a good set of guidelines on what should be posted under the Gun smithing general section could allow this section to thrive in the right direction.

Thanks for listening guys,


Super Moderator
What exactly did you do here GV? Just a trigger replacement? Is this a trigger job install or what? May very well be worthy of it's own thread under the DIY/GSing category if wanted to go more into detail about the model, what you did, along with some Do's and Don'ts.

We need to get some things like this working in this category. The more the pics, the more the explanation the better of course.


Full Access Member
What exactly did you do here GV? Just a trigger replacement? Is this a trigger job install or what? May very well be worthy of it's own thread under the DIY/GSing category if wanted to go more into detail about the model, what you did, along with some Do's and Don'ts.

We need to get some things like this working in this category. The more the pics, the more the explanation the better of course.

Broken hammer replacment on a colt python. heres a breakdown.. Colt Python Double Action Revolver


Super Moderator
Well Then, Let's make a thread of it!!! You can add to it if you choose and make it something good as a "How To" to help someone else in the future, and tagged right, bring in new members to the forum and get all your kudos. Know whudda mean Vern??? Turn it into a Tutorial with typed instruction, steps, pics, do's, don'ts etc. This might have been a simple project. But it might have been a simple project to you where it's a struggle for someone else and your Write Up just might be the edge that makes the difference of success and failure for someone else. I used to do it all the time, take knowledge for granted not realizing what a benefit I could be to others.

Especially in guns, if people are going to attempt to work on their own, you never know, you might just prevent someone from tearing up their own gun, or worse keep someone from putting theirs together wrong and someone getting hurt bad. Some people shouldn't touch tools at all. Sometimes a "How To" can actually show someone how complicated something is too. This way rather than try to tackle it on their own, they can see how complicated it is, and they'll leave it alone and take it to a pro. So there are several benefits in taking the time to do a "How To" to help out other gun owners. :waytogo:

So here you go, if you'd like to add to it, I've created your own thread with you as the author in he DIY/Gunsmithing-Maintenance & Cleaning sub-forum. :grd:
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