Is our government capable of tyranny??? Sure they are !!!


Super Moderator
This really makes me sick. That old lady really needed her ass kicked didn't she. She really looks threatening vs 6 grown men with Fully Auto Assault Weapons.

[ame=]NRA: The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina - YouTube[/ame]


Super Moderator
And with the Patriot Act and NDAA I say we are living under a tyrannical Government. It's not that they're capable. They're doing it.


Super Moderator
Never ever have seen or heard od that before.

I knew it happened because I am friends and coworker of a person whose family was in NO, LA and I was told about it. But NO, of course, we never seen or heard of any of it on the news. I was lucky to have tripped over that video on You Tube. And that's only a few of the cases. I'm sure there were many many more. So now, where are all these guns at now. Obviously the one guy got an attorney and got his back.


Full Access Member
The ones that stood up are dead!!!!!!! We have only one hope and he is being taken out of our country as fast as they can replace him with mohamed.
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Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I have heard storys around here that the criminals are doing like they do on prision yards. Hiding guns on the streets so to speak.But thats just stories I think. But that video is crazy, I am on water and I will not evacuate my house due to my collection of firearms. Door never would have opened if they try to come in forcefully its not gonna be good. I hope and pray that never happens.....Concealed 27


Full Access Member
It has been ruled illegal in florida for guns to be taken away during times of carnage. There would have been blood in the streets if this had been my mother they treated like that.


New member
The question is, would citizens ever do anything to stop this tyranny? I'm not talking about calling your representatives or casting your vote, we have done that and the system is broken. Democrat, no longer seems to matter. Take New York for example, one of the worst and illegal violation of knife rights ever. Hell, they even regulate the size of soft drinks you can buy, how much salt and stuff places can use in their recipes. As much as citizens may want to think about it, will we ever have the collective guts to put the government in its place? Here in Oklahoma you have to buy sudafed from behind the counter, they check you out and at times the cops will also work in conjunction with the pharmacy to check you out because of the meth dealers...then you watch the news and they arrest a meth dealer who has been arrested several times before...another case of punish the good folks instead of the criminals. How will the government ever learn that enough is enough, they work for us, not the other way around.

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Super Moderator
You know this brings up a good "Food For Thought". Should safe manufacturers start to consider water proofing gun safes, or water proof testing. You'd think contents of your safe is going to be safe from water since if smoke can't get in, either can water. But, IIRC part of what makes the smoke seal is when the door seal get's hot, it melts and seals the door, where as water will not be hot melt the door seal.

This being, so in the event someone does have to evacuate temporarily, are their firearms dry when they come back and water has receded. And no reason to give up your firearms as long as they are in your gun safe. I sure won't be giving the combo to law enforcement or Obama's children. They'd have to tear the house down to get it gun safe out of the house to take my guns and me be dead.
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