Hit Gun haters where it counts


I know this will be very hard to do, but here it is....

Whether it's a Politician, retailer or service business. It's time to hit these people where it will count the most. "The Wallet"

We've seen this kind of stuff before when we refuse to buy gas and we know it really doesn't work. as we have to buy gas somewhere. Retailers and Service industries, well, maybe a little different. Like the lady selling jewelry from melted down guns, as posted, yes, just don't buy anything from her. We can expand that to any business we want. Jared hates guns, buy your jewelry somewhere else, Denney's hates your guns, eat somewhere else, New York hates your guns, vacation somewhere else... Like Wyoming!

I know it's not simple and will take more effort than most can do. I can just see Bloomberg in front of the TV trying to explain to New York business's why tourism dollars dropped from 31 Billion a year to 1 Billion, Denney's scratchen there nuts trying to figure out why their restaurants are empty and Jareds wondering why there stores are empty. The list goes on, we can all think of places we could stop throwing money at and tell them why (just like I did with Jareds and Denny's)

Take it another step and tell advertisers who sponsor shows like Piers Morgan, you will no long buy their products. We can fight back, over half the country owns a gun legally, in my book... Thats one damn big voice!

What Say You?:Angry:


Full Access Member
Starbucks? Starbucks actually stood up to the Brady bunch's bullshit and their company policy for customers is simply to follow state law.


Super Moderator
My list is growing. Auto Zone, Pizza Hut.....what's wrong with Mouse Land? I'm assuming you mean Disney. I haven't heard anything negative about them.

I've also not renewed my Costco membership and canceled my newspaper subscription due to them coming out in support of Obama. Progressive insurance is also a big Obama supporter. They won't see any of my $$$ either.


Super Moderator
We need to start.... "A List"

Dave, you may be the only one that can see the humor in that LOL

Don't get me started on "So Called" celebrities. I can't list them all right now. Actually the "Will Watch" list is shorter than the "Won't Watch" list.


New member
Yall hear about Walmart stopping ammo sales also? There was a blip on talk radio yesterday I caught as I was walking through our shop. Not sure if its complete or just till after all the stuff blows over and its back to semi normal.


Full Access Member
Yall hear about Walmart stopping ammo sales also? There was a blip on talk radio yesterday I caught as I was walking through our shop. Not sure if its complete or just till after all the stuff blows over and its back to semi normal.

What I heard is that corporate would be handling ammo orders on there end instead of the store managers, likely due to lack of supply.


New member
That is somewhat accurate, from what my wife(who works sporting goods @ Walmart, don't judge its a job) its on indefinite backorder. They will send what they want when they want. So yes in a sense, that is true..


Full Access Member
The gun owners could make a difference in a lot of things by with holding our money from liberal stores. I don't expect them to be one way or the other, neutral will do. Starbucks would not send coffee to our troops a while back and supported lgbt. That is enough for me.


Super Moderator
Jeff , Dave , a list would help a lot , Jeff , you know something like the registry ;)

It could be done right here. Just copy and paste what's above you and each person can add what they know.

1. Auto Zone - Fired employee for thwarting a robbery with his weapon
2. Pizza Hut - Demoted/cut hours of a delivery guy that defended himself during a robbery
3. Costco - Endorsed Obama (I see this as contributing to the destruction of our nation)
4. News and Observer News Paper - Endorsed Obama
5. Too many celebrities to list. Clooney, Madonna, Sarah Jessica Parker, Samuel L. Jackson


Jeff , Dave , a list would help a lot , Jeff , you know something like the registry ;)

I'm not sure I could deal with two list like the Viper Registry and the Viper Truck Registry. Those are at least fun and lead to hours of enjoyment. I think I would blow a blood vessel typing up names of companies and people that are clueless

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