Giveaway number assignments
*these numbers are subject to change upon further review*
hotrodpc -1001
Bootstrap -1002
oppo -1003
moodster -1004-1014
Maxx2893 -1015-1017
cce1302 -1018
Silver-Bolt -1019
SWSS -1020-1022
blockdoc -1023
Bigdaddy -1024
Dr_Pain -1025
Old School -1026
kwo51 -1027
Arckadian -1028
Humvee21 -1029
TScottW99 -1030-1031
GLOCK V -1032-1034
Bullnettles -1035
infidel -1036-1039
armoredman -1040
sixtyin5 -1041
ISFast -1042
TheOl55 -1043-1045
Fred -1046
ninja man -1047
Arkansasguns -1048
RangerDanger -1050
SilvrSRT10 -1051
Rusty Shackleford -1052
If anyone believes there's an error in the ticket numbering please PM me immediately. Remember, you must have posted in this thread and have 50+ posts as of today for your free ticket.
Supporting Members who posted in this thread with 50+ posts will gain the 1 free ticket and 1 extra ticket for every $10 donation to the forum.
Supporting Members who posted in this thread with less than 50 posts will get 1 ticket per $10 donation, but no free ticket.