Cows are eating uncles sams grass


Full Access Member
Out of control government is going to make another waco! We can watch it unfold and do nothing. Glen Beck is a turn coat., money talks and bullshit walks.


Super Moderator
And now this. If this is accurate then they have really overstepped what their court order would allow them to do. Killing cattle and other property and damaging what they were there pretending to defend (the tortoise).
[ame=]BLM Destroyed Water Tanks, Shot Bulls, Ran Over Tortoise Dens - YouTube[/ame]


Full Access Member
Government out of control. Post office stocking automatic ars and ammo. IRS corruption it is time for a correction of some sort.
Hearing that BLM had a mass grave for the cows,WTF.


Super Moderator
Who are these "Storm Troopers" the government is breeding? Can't any one of them see that what they are doing is wrong and stop what is going on? Or are they just following orders? At what point do they disobey orders? Obviously not when it comes to killing cows and destroying property. Doubt it will happen when it comes to killing people. We saw how they handled the first group of resisters. It seems they have been pre programmed like robots to do what they are told. No conscience. No guilt.


Full Access Member
Sure makes one want to have a bullet proof jock strap. Can you imagine what it would be like if this was not the most open administration?


Super Moderator
Sure makes one want to have a bullet proof jock strap. Can you imagine what it would be like if this was not the most open administration?

What will it be like in 5 to 10 years. If these people are already willing to put a boot in your face over trespassing cows, what will they be capable of when the government tells them to turn on their own people?


Full Access Member
George Orwell said it pretty well in the book 1984. Civil unrest getting more likely.
Hope they don't get pissed about my chickens going next door.
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Full Access Member
This whole incident is being blown way out of proportion to anything that actually happened.


Full Access Member
I would have to disagree with Joe. Anytime federal agents respond with auto weapons against free citizens it needs to be blown out of proportion and then some. The feds and Harry Ried are in collusion and need to be put in jail. WACO never again. The government needs to fear the people it serves or it is a tyrant.

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