Cows are eating uncles sams grass


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5000 militias heading for nevada, stopping another waco before it happens again. Government out of control has to held responsible for it's actions. This is getting the attention of the people finely.
How many of you marshals heading there?

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member


Full Access Member
I know most of our knee jerk reaction will be in a certain way.
And mine was too.
But the guy doesnt own any of that land.
Why the feds "own" it is another issues but he has been getting free feed for decades while everyone else pays.


Super Moderator
I know most of our knee jerk reaction will be in a certain way.
And mine was too.
But the guy doesnt own any of that land.
Why the feds "own" it is another issues but he has been getting free feed for decades while everyone else pays.

It's land the Feds have set aside for the endangered desert tortoise. This guys family have been grazing this land for centuries and then the feds come in and say you can't anymore because of a turtle. If the cows were doing so much damage, how did the freakin' turtle turn up there in the first place?

This isn't about a stupid turtle. It's about control.

This article states that it's about water. There is abundant water in/under that land and the land near the highway is prime real-estate. Follow the money and see who's pulling the strings.

I've also seen that Dirty Harry Reid may have some DNA in this. Something about a solar park. In any event. If the person behind this ends up with the land, all of a sudden the desert tortoise will magically come off the endangered species list and the land will be developed somehow.
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Full Access Member
It is PUBLIC land, not owned by the rancher, not leased by the rancher, and no grazing fees paid by the rancher. So basically he is "stealing" from US.

All he had to do was go through the proper channels and pay a small fee just like anyone else would. The BLM is simply enforcing the rules.

I don't see the big dilemma here. If the rules aren't to your liking, try to get them changed. But just because you don't like them, doesn't mean you have to follow them.



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It is the government flexing its power.They have all ready put most of the area ranchers off their land there. The has been used for 150 years by these people for grazing and state court would still allow it. Time to take a stand .


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Just because we disagree with the current administration on many things doesn't mean that we have to cry wolf at every turn.

It's federal land. The ranchers aren't paying taxes on it, they are given permission to graze an area IF the rancher pays a fee and follows the criteria. I don't believe that Bundy did either. If the BLM wants/needs to rescind that permission, for whatever reason, they can do it. How long the Bundy's cattle have been grazing there is irrelevant.

I don't see it as a government overstepping it's authority, It's a government enforcing the laws.


Full Access Member
The fact that they have been using it for years will stand in court.. It has been proven many tines in court, and it will stand , the land belongs to the state. The fed tryed to chase farmers from land in florida they had farmed for years to put missile bases on and fed lost in court. FED IS OUT OF CONTROL and needs to be brought down to size.


Active member
The laws are there for a reason, without them, well things could get ugly. Now flexing of nuts is something you see all the time, but technicalities are the things that get people. It is not a matter of using that land for years, its a matter of not paying for that land. Its about showing whom is in control and whom to ask for permission. Fair or no, it is what it is. Is what they did excessive? Oh I think so, but again it goes back to the laws. There are a lot of laws on many books that are just useless for a multitude of reasons, but when they finally get enforced people call foul. It really is a lose, lose scenario if you ask me. You make a law, you enforce that law. And if that law is proven to be unpopular with the people you change it or remove it.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
The Feds have backed but they said they will be back. Maybe with all of those Homeland Security urban assault vehicles and their billion rounds of ammo. But I agree it's all about control.


Super Moderator
The Feds have backed but they said they will be back. Maybe with all of those Homeland Security urban assault vehicles and their billion rounds of ammo. But I agree it's all about control.

Naaa.....they'll use this next time. It don't care about any militia.



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The important part is that there is film footage of the aggressive actions of the government. Like wakco they stopped all contact from the out side , what they did was out of site of the general population. When they make a law that makes you a criminal for something you have been doing for 150 years it is a hard pill to take. This will happen again and each time the amount of people showing up will get larger. History is repeating it self.


Super Moderator
You thought I was kidding with the drone picture. They're already in use for surveillance. The stand down by the BLM is a strategic move according to this article. Now we know why there is a "No Fly Zone" over that area.

Investigator: BLM
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War on crime, War on drugs ,war on poverty War on citizens . They have not won one yet.We didn't beat the ****s or the hagis how will they beat the home boys. When the people in the fly over states get upset we have a problem!


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I guess I come down on the other side of this one.

From what I have read, this is not a spur of the moment thing. The BLM has been dealing with Bundy for a while and getting nowhere. The confiscation of his cattle was the last resort.
Could the confrontation have been handled better? Probably, but its easy to arm-chair quarterback it after the fact.

For the most part I will agree that our government is over reaching in many areas, No argument there.
But, I just don't see this as one of them. What makes these ranchers special that they do not have to follow the same rules as everyone else when it comes to government owned land? Or are we now just picking and choosing the laws that we want to follow?


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Joe have you heard the news that China wants to put large solar power grid on this land and Ried is trying to help them. Lot more to it than cows and turtles. Lets see if it goes to drones .The public is waking up and uncle sam was backed down by his (he thought) servants.


Government has been doing land grabs out here for years and I was happy this guy was standing up to them. Most of its done without due process, you just wake up in the morning and land has changed hands at the stroke of a pen. That what happen here. Bundy is willing to pay Nevada for the land use, but not the federal government. I see his point. believe me this isn't over. Even though the BLM has made a very public back down, there is a current no fly zone over the Bundy Ranch and surrounding area. I am not a conspiracy nut case, however, if there was ever one of those reasons to use drones, I can see them using it in this situation and with the no fly in place they have all the altitude they need


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How can they enforce it? F16 shooting down single engine aircraft. They have taken away lots of good hunting land in florida so rich people can ride their horses on it. Women came out of a bog by my tree stand and asked for directions. I told her to go back the way she came.

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