
Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Alright I am sick of the isis shit going on, I just saw on the news that in Australia they raided a camp that had plans to behead hostages. These assholes are everywhere now and honestly I'm not gonna go to range for awhile to keep my ammo stock high. If they try some b.s. in America there in trouble. So many of us have weapons. Terrorist make me sick to my stomach......
Concealed 27


Super Moderator
I think I may find a way to carry my KelTec PMR-30 (after I run a few mags through it). It holds 30 rounds. It's a little large to conceal carry but it can be done.


Full Access Member
Keep your powder dry. It is getting crazy. Grand father just killed 6 kids and his daughter about 25 miles north west of here.
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Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
This world has been like a spiraling drain that continues to suck us all down a big dark hole. At this rate we will be lucky to see the year 2040. By then I will be too old to give a shit..but if we could, we'd leave this world right now and finish out our lives somewhere else in peace. I have little faith in mankind anymore....


Super Moderator
2040.....I'll be 79. I'll just be sitting on the front porch taking pot shots at anything that comes up the driveway. The UPS guy better announce himself first.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I'm ready to set my house up as a fortress, and take more tactical training with my army ranger friend, he has taught me a lot......frickin crazy


Full Access Member
Obvious fortified places will be the first to fall after the collapses. Hay they must be hiding something. Like cooking a big steak outside on the grill people will come from miles away. Hide in plan sight talk to the ranger.


Full Access Member
Seems that the world has been on the verge of Armageddon for at least the last 100 years.........

I'll just keep on keepin on and not worry so much about things I have no control over.

Live and let live, I say............ although the first mudder fudder that tries to take what is mine will find out how quickly that opinion can change:shooter:

But for right now, I've got steaks on the grill, a cold beer in hand; and friends on the way.:)

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