Why Surrender Is Never an Option


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Get behind large solid objects and call friends with crew served weapons to help is my motto.


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I am all for surrendering...

but only the bullets. I will even remove them from those pesky brass casings and send them over.


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The information below is what concerns me. The USA isn't on that list.....yet. But if we don't learn from others history we may soon be on that list. They continue to try and chip away at that pesky 2nd amendment that we all hold so near and dear. And they have a lot of support from the liberals. Just look at the number of states that are trampling all over it. The Constitution should be trumping any and all anti gun laws that come out. But that's not the case unfortunately.


Some of the Nations where the mass murder of civilians occurred during the 20th Century include Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, The Congo, Uganda, Armenia, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Nigeria, Laos, China, Cuba, Manchuria, Iraq, Iran, Biafra, Rwanda and many others. The slaughter of civilians by governments appears to be as common as not.

Most of these slaughters were only made possible by disarming the victims before killing them. Had these people resisted, their fate would have been no worse and perhaps better. Resistance is much more difficult after the government has already taken the means of resistance away from the people. Planned genocide has been the primary reason for weapon confiscation throughout history.


William Ayers, former leader of the Terrorist organization “The Weather Underground,” and close friend of Barack Obama, told his followers in the Weather Underground, “When we (Communist Revolutionaries) take over the United States, we will have to kill 25 million Americans.” He was referring to those who would never submit to a Communist takeover. Those who would refuse to deny and reject the Constitution would have to be murdered. If this sounds impossible, remember that Genocide by Government was the leading cause of death in the last Century.


Full Access Member
William Ayers and his cronies are teaching in our public colleges. When the state starts doing the gun grabs the phrase from my cold dead fingers becomes OUR battle cry. This will happen in the northern states first and will result in a civil war . We need to be ready for the time when the UN makes itself god over us.


Super Moderator
William Ayers and his cronies are teaching in our public colleges. When the state starts doing the gun grabs the phrase from my cold dead fingers becomes OUR battle cry. This will happen in the northern states first and will result in a civil war . We need to be ready for the time when the UN makes itself god over us.

From my point of view it's already begun. Look at NY and MD and a couple other states and how they've banned anything over 10 rounds or what they consider an "assault weapon". They aren't even grandfathering in anyone who's already owned any magazines over 10 rounds. These are laws that say "too bad, we don't like them so you can't have them". I will not comply. Just because you generate a piece of paper with a new rule (against the will of the people I might add) does not mean I will automatically abide by it. What part of "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" don't you understand?

If you haven't already read the Communist Goals. There are 45 of them on this list. Just look at how many they can check off.

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Full Access Member
Damn fine article only preaching to the choir will not get us where we need to be. The Christian Church was neutered in 1963 and the pastors should have gone to war but the IRS then and now has threatened to take away tax exemption if they rebel. GOD help us protect our nation from islam and the liberals!!!!!! Hitlers mein kampf is right on track.

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