White Appreciation Day

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Not sure if you saw this today..it's by a BBQ owner in Colorado who will give a 10% discount off your meal if your white. Naturally minorities and civil liberty organizations don't like it because it discriminates But like the owner says there is a Black History Month and a Hispanic History Month so why not one day for whites...what's your view?


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Full Access Member
I think it is pretty funny.

I have never understood why it is OK to be racist as long as you aren't white.
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Super Moderator
Poking the hornets nest. Are they asking to be shut down or fined? But hey....it's their business. Run it how you want to.


Full Access Member
I WOULD EAT THERE ALWAYS, and give 20% tips!!!!!!!!!! Its about time some balls show up.


Full Access Member
Poking the hornets nest. Are they asking to be shut down or fined? But hey....it's their business. Run it how you want to.

Just standing around staring won't get rid of it. He is making a very valid point. We should treat all people as people, period. All this bullshit about people wanting to divide us up and whining for special treatment is just that. Anyone who treats people differently based on skin color is a racist, period. Being something other than white doesn't give anyone a pass on that fact. While once necessary, organizations like the NAACP are now part of the problem.

It is long past time to quit making excuses.


Super Moderator
I don't disagree with what anyone has said. But as a business owner, I also don't need any additional headaches.


Full Access Member
I don't disagree with what anyone has said. But as a business owner, I also don't need any additional headaches.

Don't get wrong. I don't blame you there at all.

I am kinda betting he ends up just giving everyone the discount that day. That way, he makes his point and gets his publicity but stays out of costly legal trouble.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
I bet the owner will get a ton of business now..but wonder just how good his food really is? But this world is just getting too weird..whats right and what isn't..who gets offended the most...political correctness...somebody just take me far away.


Full Access Member
Gang, 60 blacks youths roaming through charleston SC. beating white people. Sounds like war to me.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
I am afraid there will always be racism in this country. I try to judge people for who they are not by their skin color or nationality but I admit I am guilty of it sometimes, especially when I watch the news and see rioters, looters and protesters in front of the camera. Yes this world would be a better place without racism and bigotry but we have a long way to go.


Active member
I am a white guy and I have meet a few racists before, but its still sad to see the level of hate that people can have for offenses that long ago. . . I know that I am a fairly young man and by the time I was old enough to remember things, racism wasn't on the table, but I will still get hate from anti-white groups because of something my family may have been a part of decades before. I have no hatred of black, white, yellow, brown, red, or whatever color a person may be a part of. I will judge you off your personality and actions and I believe that is the only way a person should be looked at. If you are a good person then your actions are going to reflex that, if you are not again it will show.


Full Access Member
Birds of a feather flock together! This is not racism it is survival. Being judged by your character is great until you fail to pass someone's test. Our prisons are full of people with character disorders. JMO

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