This bullfrog goes into a bank...


Full Access Member apply for a loan. He goes up to the loan associate.

"Looooooaaaaan," he croaked.

The loan guy seemed puzzled, but decides to humor the frog.
"How much?" He asks the frog.

"Million dollars," was the reply.

"And what do you have for collateral?" The teller asked the frog.

In reply, the frog shoved a bag that he was dragging behind him toward the teller. Inside the bag was a perfectly-crafted small-scale model of a 1954 Eldorado.

Even more skeptically, the teller asked the bullfrog his name.

"Rooooooobbert," he croaked, "Jagger".

Totally disbelieving, the teller asked, "As in Mick?"

"My Faaaaather," he croaked.

At this point, the teller gets up, taking the model with him. He goes to the bank manager.
"Get a load of this frog. He wants a million dollars, says his name's Robert Jagger, and brings me this thing for collateral."

The bank manager replies,






"It's a knick-knack Cadillac, give the frog a loan...
...his old man's a Rolling Stone".

* I stole this from another forum.

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