st pete police shoot and kill homeless man

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
Yet another police shooting, a homeless man in downtown St. Petersburg was chasing after people with a firemans type axe. As police arrived an officer asked the man to drop the axe and he would not and came toward the Leo he unleashed 5 rounds into him. Know I now that the man charged at him but IMO they could have tased him, or used a shotgun with non deadly rds. I know that the non deadly may not have been available but cops around the Tampa bay area are awful trigger happy. I understand why thought, I live here.... just seems that no longer do they protect and serve, but shoot and arrest at there own discretion........idk I'm just sick of hearing about people losing there lives because cops don't use their brain instead of their guns....


Full Access Member
In this particular case, good shoot. The fool came at him with an axe. Less lethal tools are great for some things but not some psycho trying to murder you with an axe. There is plenty to complain about regarding law enforcement but this isn't it.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I know the guy was in the wrong I'm not defending him just seems to me it could have been handled without killing him, that's all. I know that being a Leo is the hardest job out there, no one likes them and they have to make split second decisions that could be right or could be wrong.


Full Access Member
It is all about distance,if he was inside 15 yards he needed to die. Tasers don't always work on all people.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
That's what I was thinking about to was distance... awesome point, if he was that close he needed to be shot but there are so many things that factored in the officers decision.....


Full Access Member
Average time an office stays on the job after a shooting is 5 years,even a clean bill. No body wants to kill a fellow human unless they are psyho or in fear for their life.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I know that's why they get put on paid leave while they investigate the shooting. I hope i never have to use my weapons to harm anyone, but one things for sure.... if I draw my weapon its getting used, I will not use it as a tool to gain leverage. If you draw your weapon and don't immediately pull the trigger you are gonna start thinking about it and you will probably lose your life if you are hesitant... we as responsable gun owners don't wanna to take a persons life but if its to protect my family or myself I will use the force necessary to stop that from happening, deadly force will be used only if i feel my life or family's life is threatened....good points that u made kwo.....
Concealed 27


I know that's why they get put on paid leave while they investigate the shooting. I hope i never have to use my weapons to harm anyone, but one things for sure.... if I draw my weapon its getting used, I will not use it as a tool to gain leverage. If you draw your weapon and don't immediately pull the trigger you are gonna start thinking about it and you will probably lose your life if you are hesitant... we as responsable gun owners don't wanna to take a persons life but if its to protect my family or myself I will use the force necessary to stop that from happening, deadly force will be used only if i feel my life or family's life is threatened....good points that u made kwo.....
Concealed 27

and you just answered post #1

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
That is for sure.....imagine the feeling of taking someones life there are so many people affected on both sides....... very sad


Have you noticed though, when these people do stupid or threatening things, they never look at how it will effect the lives of their loved ones or the person that has to defend themselves, LEO or civilian. Then, somehow, there is this drive to feel sorry for them because of there lot in life, they were misunderstood, ect...

Sorry, I have no place in my heart to feel sorry for them, however, I do pray for those that suffer because of their selfish actions

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
I agree with that Jeff, its a shame....the people who do these things are suffering from mental illness. I'm not saying that what he did was OK but with the health care situation transeants cannot the help they need. The obomacare is a joke, we need to stand up to this and do it like the Canadians do...take care of those who need help regusrdless they get treated health ins or not. I would love to there, I'm going on vacation there this winter with a buddy of mine to see some hockey games in Montreal ..who knows maybe one day I will get dual citizenship so i can go there when Obama is outta control... " like he's not outta control now" or the next dumb ass gets into the presidents seat...JMHO
Concealed 27


I agree with that Jeff, its a shame....the people who do these things are suffering from mental illness. I'm not saying that what he did was OK but with the health care situation transeants cannot the help they need. The obomacare is a joke, we need to stand up to this and do it like the Canadians do...take care of those who need help regusrdless they get treated health ins or not. I would love to there, I'm going on vacation there this winter with a buddy of mine to see some hockey games in Montreal ..who knows maybe one day I will get dual citizenship so i can go there when Obama is outta control... " like he's not outta control now" or the next dumb ass gets into the presidents seat...JMHO
Concealed 27

I have friends in Canada, 40% + in taxes, the healthcare isn't as good as it's reported and cost of living is rediculous


Something I did not know, thanks for sharing VJ,,,,,
Concealed 27

My friend by no means is poor, but the government last year sent him a 12,000 Canadian Dollar tax bill. He ended up working in the old fields for the winter and just about everything he made went to pay taxes. You think we bitch about our government, he by no means is happy with the dollars that are robbed out of his pocket by said Canadian government. It may look greener, but I'm not so sure. Not trying to talk you out of going, go, the country is great to visit and enjoy, do some learning while your there and have some fun


Full Access Member
The grass is always greener on the other side. Yep that is where the septic tank is.This country has been the greatest nation in the world for 200 years .Liberals are turning it into a 3rd world nation.

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Mental illness is a huge and growing problem in this country. But with budget cuts you will hear more and more stories like this one. Just last week in Seattle a couple was walking out from a Sounders soccer game and was attacked by some crazy fuck with a knife. She was injured but her boyfriend trying to protect her was killed. This crazy shit happens all the time but instead of helping these people we spend trillions are some stupid foreign war.


Mental illness is a huge and growing problem in this country. But with budget cuts you will hear more and more stories like this one. Just last week in Seattle a couple was walking out from a Sounders soccer game and was attacked by some crazy fuck with a knife. She was injured but her boyfriend trying to protect her was killed. This crazy shit happens all the time but instead of helping these people we spend trillions are some stupid foreign war.

I agree

My Wife work in the mental health care field and United Healthcare cut funding by 1/2 leaving over 1000 patients with no access to mental health care. While the government (obama) is talking better care, they are making it harder for people to get the care by defunding programs right and left.


Full Access Member
He is just waiting for a reason to declare marshal law. Then he will bring in the UN to clean house. Chicago looks like they are going to bring in the guard to help with guns on the street,before they brought a ranger unit in.

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