Shooting at Fort Meade gate

Sgt. Rock

Full Access Member
Gunfire erupted Monday morning at the gate of the National Security Agency's facility at Fort Meade in Maryland when two men disguised as women in a stolen car tried to enter — and one suspect was killed, sources said.

A guard fired on the men, who were in a Ford Escape. An official at the scene said one was dead. A search of their Ford Escape turned up a gun and some drugs.

The NSA was leading the investigation into the incident, but the FBI was also on the scene.

"The shooting scene is contained and we do not believe it is related to terrorism," the FBI's Baltimore office said in a statement. "We are working with the US Attorney's Office in Maryland to determine if federal charges are warranted."

It's not clear why the men were trying to enter the facility, but one senior U.S. official called it a "local criminal matter."

White House spokesman Eric Schultz said President Obama was briefed on the incident.

Sub plot is why were they disguised as women???..maybe they were trying to enlist in this new army Obama has been talking about...weird stuff today.


Super Moderator
Yeah, Their modus operandi doesn't add up. Have to wait and see what the agencies come up with and see if the pieces fit.

Concealed 27

Full Access Member
A little odd.....maybe 2 guys who were a little off. Obviously they had some kind of issues and probably wanted to die buy suicide by cop or the nsa fbi or 1 of the government agencies......never know a lot of weird shot going on here can't wait to hear more on this one....
Concealed 27

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