Pro-gun rights Milwaukee sheriff leading rival in heated primary


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A Wisconsin county sheriff whose outspoken pro-Second Amendment views turned his re-election campaign into a battle between gun control groups and the National Rifle Association was leading early Wednesday in a close fight against his Democratic primary challenger.

With 100 percent of precincts reporting, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. had garnered 52 percent of the vote to 48 percent for Chris Moews, a Milwaukee police lieutenant. Clarke's margin was over 4,600 votes out of nearly 109,000 cast. However, Moews refused to concede, saying that there were over 6,000 absentee votes that had yet to be counted.

Pro-gun rights Milwaukee sheriff leading rival in heated primary | Fox News

Looks like Bloomberg wasted a lot of $$.


And lets hope Bloomberg keeps losing....

Good for David Clarke, I guess now it's just a wait and see


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